Part 1 - The T-shirt

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Sing is leaving the airport when he receives a call from one of his henchmen.

<<What is it? >>

<<Sing, it's Lao. Hurry, you have to come right away>>.

When he arrives, the police have already cordoned off the area. Lao's corpse lies on the sidewalk, covered by a tarp. His chalk outline on the wall, where they found him slumped.

He manages to get closer, luckily the policeman on duty is Charlie and lets him take a look.

<<He was shot, I'm sorry>>

<<Such an idiot>>

<<He had this next to him>>, shows him an evidence bag, containing his knife, bloodied.

The knife? A thought assails him. He tries to call Ash. They are not far from the library.

<<What is it?>>, Charlie looks at him.

<<Shh, can't you hear?>>

<<Shut up! >>.

A ringtone trills insistently. Sing whitens. Please answer it, you jerk. The moment the answering machine starts, the ringer stops ringing.


<<What?>>, Charlie squints his eyes.

<<It's Ash! Look for his cell phone, around here>>.

Charlie whitens, turns to the officers.

<<Did you hear that? Look for a cell phone around here. Right away!>>.

<<There's a cell phone right here!>>.

Sing recognizes it immediately. It is Ash's.

<<Oh God>>, Charlie looks dismayed at the bloody bagged knife. <<Where are you going, Sing?>>.

Sing does not answer him; he is already calling Blanca.


<<So, was that him?>>


<<He's...>>, he looks at Blanca. He nods his head.

Sing covers his face with an hands. He starts to cry. Lao and Ash.

<<How do I tell Eiji...>>, he bites his lip trying to contain his sobs.

<<I can do it if you want. He will understand>>.


<<Eiji>>, Jessica rests a hand on his shoulder, <<Sing has arrived>>.

Eiji recovers and barely turns his head. Sing has come alone. A buzz can be heard in the crowd as the others become aware of his presence. Blanca watches the scene in silence.

Max nods to Eiji. He and his wife follow him as he joins Sing at the back of the room.

Blanca notices that immediately Cain and Alex join them as well.

Eiji and Sing look at each other for a long moment. Sing is clearly embarrassed, feeling that everyone is glaring at him. Then Eiji takes a step toward him and hugs him.

<<It's not your fault. Thank you for coming>>. Jessica walks over and rests a hand on his head. Sing feels big, hot tears running down his face. Eiji takes him by the hand and leads him toward the front row. Alex and Cain pat him on the back and follow him like bodyguards, dispensing glances grimly at anyone who dares to comment.

The T-shirt - BANANA FISH ONESHOTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora