Chapter 9: Topsy-Turvy World

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He had lost the upper hand.

Lost the ace he had up his sleeve and when he had played it there had been barely any reaction. He'd expected more pain, more of that quiet hatred
Regulus always radiated but the meek puppy-like boy had accepted it and moved on.

Clearly, there was an ulterior motive.

It would've been invisible to anyone else but Sirius knew his brother would not give up so easily. He would not stop chasing something Sirius cared about so much.

He did not love Sirius enough to leave him alone.

The problem with the Marauders was that they would welcome Regulus into their group. All four of them were far too kind, trusting, content with talking to anyone.

They'd never experienced anything to make them wary of others.

"No loopholes, there can't be any contact, no more lunches and no talking."

The younger shoulders were set in a peculiar manner and he seemed determined to follow through with this decision, determined to stay loyal to the monsters that raised him.

"I know." He still sounded like a lost child. Someone who was a little unhappy with the route he had taken.

But Sirius had gone too far to back down. He had endured too much to trust his brother now.

"That's settled then." He moved to leave, to open the door and never look back.

"wait." so quiet you could've missed it. if you had not been expecting it

"There's this form, some compulsion. You don't really have to do much, it's just a safety net of sorts. If they call you'll have to show up of course but apart from that nothing more."

"Reggie I'm lost right now what're you talking bout."
The younger one blinked at the nickname, savoring the warmth those familiar words brought. "It's for ballet."

Sirius looked up and studied his brother's face and took in the sight of his cheeks dusted with pink. He hadn't expected that.

"I thought Walburga made you give that up."

There had been fights for days after that cruel woman had cut Regulus' ballet career short. The decision had been a sudden one and Regulus had only found out when the ballet instructor told him he had not paid the fees. Walburga had stopped all the money flow and broken the brunette's heart because she thought it pointless to dress up and prance around the stage.

It was the only time Sirius had spotted some fighting spirit in his brother. Before it was all drained out by the consequences of his actions.

"She did."

"She doesn't know?"

"I cannot risk it again."

"The form?"

Regulus darted out of the room and returned a few seconds later a crumpled paper between his hands and a sparkle in his eye.

"Why me?"

Again a pink rose on his cheeks and the brunette bit his lip nervously, "there isn't anyone else."

That was a mistake. Revealing his weak point, his lack of options was something he shouldn't have done because now Sirius could play that to his advantage.

Because Sirius had his ace back in his hand.
This was the leverage he needed. The power he required to keep his brother in check. This paper made his brother his puppet.

"I'll cancel if you break the promise." He blurted out

Regulus' curls shook with how violently he nodded.

"I understand."

He grabbed the paper, "I'll have to think it over."


The pride and joy of his life were sitting in Sirius's apartment. He could do nothing until that form was signed. Maybe attend the classes and run through the basics but there would be no plays, performances, or tragedies until he could find a contact.

Usually, it would be no problem, he would've just handed over the form to Barty or Evan and have them sign but no one who knew the business part of him had ever interacted with the ballet part of him.

Two sections of his life always remained separated. No one could interact with both because no one accepted both. Regulus was aware he was complex and puzzling and was content staying that way.

Only Sirius had seen both sides of his brother and frankly, it did not matter because he scorned both. It was relaxing to have someone so blunt and easy to read, it was always painful trying to gauge people.

"Raise your leg higher."

His muscles screamed at the command, he was already the best in the room, and still the instructor pushed him higher, pushed him to his breaking point. Lucius Malfoy was the bitchiest coach he had ever had.

Still, there was no complaining in ballet, there was only discipline, routine, and perfection. The things that Regulus had grown up with, were the only things he felt comfortable in, and the only things that gave him routine.

Once again, his salvation lay in his brother's hands. Sirius could either run and leave his heart in shards or sign and let him fall into a familiar schedule he longed for in this topsy-turvy world.


✍️sorry about the length of this chapter it's literally just a short filler. I'm busy with NaNiWriMo cause I'm sooooo behind with it. Working on my historical fiction story.

if you wanna find out more about it you can check out my insta writing account@/cookie.writesss I just made it a few days ago hope u enjoyed this see you lovelies next chapter✍️

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