Chapter 2: Packing

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(Dream's POV)

For Dream to sign those papers was one thing but getting them to the organisation that runs the system was something Dream feared, being that his face was fresh on the internet, He didn't like to go out in public unless he had to which wasn't every often.

"Come on dream, go and get those papers in" Sapnap says while pushing Dream out the door

"Don't you want to finish packing first?" He says

"Nah this first then packing" Sapnap said while walking to the car, which shortly after dream followed.

We got in, puts on our seat belts and started driving into town and wow was I going to miss my little cottage on the side of the forest with vines growing on the side and flowers growing in the front and back garden, I wish with all my heart to live in my sweet little cottage with another but not Sapnap. I hope it doesn't sound like I don't like sapnap's company but it's just this new program so I can't help it.

"DREAM!" Sapnap yells

I quickly slammed on the brakes and as well as snapping out of my thoughts with an honestly of though that I wasn't thinking for long but we were in town and where about to run over a bunch of school kids.

I gave them an apology wave as they rushed over to the grass and then I continued driving

"Crap" I mumbled

"You nearly killed a bunch of kids" Sapnap says pointing out the obvious

He didn't reply, too busy concentrating on the road and to where he was meant to go, then there it is the nearly new ish building for the funhouseproject to sell their business and make money, quickly and without a word I got a car pack and then looked at sapnap.

"Can you please run this is for me" I say handing him the papers

Sapnap sighs while taking the papers and getting out of the car "fine but you owe me pop tarts" he says then starts walking to the door to enter the building.

He sat in the car waiting for what seemeds like forever even though he just walked in a couple of minutes ago. He had seen another person walk into the building, this guy had brown ish black hair in the shade but in the sun his hair was a nice brown, his skin was an icy looking type which he was wearing a light blue hoodie with a red box on it with matching light blue jeans. The guy looked a little lost before he went into the building which made dream laugh a bit.

"Must be a newbie to town" Dream though as Sapnap walked out of the building and back to the car and got back in.

"Now my pop tarts-" Sapnap started

"Yes yes we can go now" Dream quickly interrupted with a smile

They drove to the shops then back home to continue packing.

Yes new chapter ~ 500 words ~ I wonder who that was 😏

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