Chapter 3: Meeting

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(George's POV)

I walked into my new shared house for the next year, I got invited to this new program by my sister who works for the funhouseprogram which it was really nice of her but I wasn't really that excited about it, but the people door to me where.

"Hello?" A voice behind me came out quietly

I jumped and turned around to face the person but he was taller then I expected so i had to look from his stomach up to his face. The guy was maybe a foot or two taller than me, his eyes where green ish blue, he was wear tracksuit pants with a nice looking shirt on he gave me a smile then that when I realised I was staring

"Oh I'm sorry am I in the way?" I say with a little giggle

"No no your fine I just got here" he says back with a smile

"I'm George, it's nice to meet you" I said

"I'm Clay but I like to be called Dream and it's nice to meet you too" Dream says

I move out of the way for Dream to come into our house with his stuff.

"I'm already packed so if you need some help just say" I say

Dream gives me a nod then goes into his new room with some of his stuff, I stood there for a moment looking outside wondering if I should go outside into the beautiful sunlight to try and get some colour in my face for once but I decided after a while not to and close the door.

I walk to the lounge and sit down on it while grabbing the remote and picking a movie to watch which was scary movie 2 because of Halloween being the next day.

(Dream's POV)

It's been two hours since I last seen George and that's because I've been designing my new room, moving furniture, making the room sound proof and now I'm setting up my pc after of course setting up the wifi. That's when I heard a knock at the room,

"Yes?" I called out

The door opened to reveal George standing at the door with a piece of paper in his hands,

"The plan says that we have to cook together tonight to bond so we need to go shopping for food" George say while looking at the paper

"Alright I'm done so do you want to go now" I say

"Yeah sure" George says looking up "I just need to make a list for it" he continues

"Okay" I say stand up

After George wrote his shopping list we both got a our shoes on and walked to my car, got in put on our seat belts and started driving to the shops,

"Can I pick a song?" George asks

"Sure" I say passing his phone to George

George scroll throughs his Spotify playlist then picks one of dream's favourite songs: 'heatwaves' by glass animals as the song started we both sang the lyrics in harmony, as the song ended they were at parking the car in the car park of the shopping centre,

"Well we're here" I say

"Yeah let's go in" George says while getting out of the car

I smile then get out of the car.

550 Words haha

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