Chapter 2: A Transcript From The Future II

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This story contains depictions of and references to death, graphic violence, strong language, and more that might be offensive to some readers.

Be mindful of these sensitive themes
And other possible triggers.

This story is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, some places, incidents or events are product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual events, places, people living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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CHAPTER 2: A Transcript from the Future II

- "Sir, it seems to me that you and the TCABU have some sort of quarrel even before my creation, might I ask what that may be?" The robotic arm's inquiry hung in the air, a curious blend of mechanical precision and unexpected introspection. It was a marvel of technology, this assembly of wires and metal, endowed with the ability to ponder the mysteries of human emotion.

"Hmm, the TCABU, huh?" Winston's voice carried a simmering undercurrent of disdain as he contemplated the organization that had long been the bane of his existence. "They're a bunch of idiot 'researchers,' supposedly gathered by the government to protect and conserve the concept of time. Yet, with how long they've existed, they've yet to even lay hands on its powers. Getting proper research data has been a nightmare for them. In the end, they have the confidence of researchers without anything to support it! They're scum!" Each word dripped with contempt, his anger escalating with each syllable as he delved into the depths of his frustration.

"Seems like you hate them a lot, sir. I shall add this to my data," the robotic arm dutifully acknowledged, its mechanical tone betraying no emotion as it processed the wealth of information provided by its creator.

"Watt Lei, I think our particles are close to the headquarters. We should be arriving soon," Winston explained, his voice tinged with anticipation as their journey through the temporal pathways brought them ever closer to their destination. With each moment, their bodies were rebuilt and destroyed again and again, a testament to the extraordinary power they wielded.

"Ah, yes, here we are, Watt Lei. Welcome to the shithole!" Winston's exclamation reverberated through the air as they materialized within the TCABU's headquarters, their sudden appearance causing a stir among the stunned researchers who scrambled to make sense of the spectacle unfolding before them.

"I'm here, old farts! What do y'all want from me?" Winston's voice boomed with a mixture of defiance and amusement, his eyes dancing with mischief as he surveyed the incredulous faces of those around him. "And what's with the silence? Y'all haven't seen an energy displacer before? That's pathetic and kinda sad. Must be so boring having the IQ of gorillas." His words cut through the air like a blade, each syllable laced with the venom of contempt as he reveled in the opportunity to belittle those he despised.

"And what could you want from our headquarters, twat?" A voice rang out from across the hall, its owner drawing closer with each step-a grumpy, wrinkled figure with a receding hairline and a demeanor as sour as curdled milk.

with his characteristic arrogance, greeted his adversary with a venomous smirk. "Ah, I see you're still alive, Mr. Pig. Surprise, surprise! The diabetes hasn't kicked in yet, huh? I guess idiots like you are really immune to diseases. Now, I'm really scared what disease a genius like me would catch from being in your filthy headquarters," he quipped, his words dripping with sarcasm as he innocently flashed a smile at the old man who stood before him, unfazed by the insults hurled his way.

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