Chapter 3: The True Enemy of Humanity, is Humanity

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This story contains depictions of and references to death, graphic violence, strong language, and more that might be offensive to some readers.

Be mindful of these sensitive themes
And other possible triggers.

This story is a work of fiction.
Names, characters, some places, incidents or events are product of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously.

Any resemblance to actual events, places, people living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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CHAPTER 3: The True Enemy of Humanity is Humanity

—"Well, it's that time again, my old friend," Winston remarked, his tone laced with familiarity as he settled into the chair. His fingers danced over the familiar contours of the time revolver, a trusted companion in their shared adventures across the temporal expanse.

With practiced ease, Winston calibrated the dial to the predetermined coordinates: 3087, January 28th, 11:58.45 PM. Beside him, Watt Lei, the stalwart robotic arm, stood ready, its assurances a comforting echo of past expeditions.

"Ready as ever, sir. The temporal barrier stands firm, ready to guide us through the currents of time," came Watt Lei's reassuring reply, a testament to their seamless collaboration in the face of uncertainty.

Winston nodded in acknowledgment, a silent affirmation of their unspoken bond forged through countless journeys through the annals of history.

"In that case, let's get going," he quipped, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Without a moment's hesitation, Winston raised the revolver to his temple, his actions fluid and practiced. With a decisive pull of the trigger, reality warped and twisted, his astral form propelled forward into the swirling vortex of time.

In the blink of an eye, he was adrift once more, traversing the boundless tapestry of existence with a familiarity born of repetition. Scenes flickered and shifted in rapid succession, a mesmerizing tableau of moments both past and future.

With each transition, Winston and Watt Lei moved as one, navigating the temporal currents with a grace that spoke volumes of their shared experience. Materializing and dematerializing with effortless precision, they danced through the ebb and flow of time.

After traversing the turbulent currents of time, Winston and Watt Lei emerged in the bustling heart of New York City. Here, amidst the luminous glow of neon lights and the soaring spires of advanced architecture, they bore witness to a future both dazzling and disconcerting.

The city teemed with life, a symphony of sights and sounds that pulsed with the rhythm of progress. Hovering cars zipped through the air with effortless grace, defying the constraints of gravity with a technology far beyond anything.

Yet, amid the gleaming facades and futuristic marvels, a shadow lingered—a shadow cast by the stark realities of human existence. For even in this age of unparalleled technological innovation, the specter of poverty loomed large, its presence an undeniable testament to the enduring flaws of society.

The streets of New York, once paved with dreams of boundless opportunity, now harbored the downtrodden and destitute. Homeless souls sought solace beneath the arches of bridges, their meager fires casting feeble light against the encroaching darkness.

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