Star Crossed

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AUTHORS NOTE: Welcome to the second prequels story, where we return to Miami with Ethan and Valerie. Frustration, passion, longing; this story depicts how the lives of these two doctors will never be the same after one night on a balcony... where nothing matters, but everything is on the line. This is Star Crossed and I hope you enjoy! :)

 This is Star Crossed and I hope you enjoy! :)

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Valerie and I made our way into the foyer of the convention centre, the noise from within echoing the sound of chatter, speakers competing with one another to be heard through the 'hustle and bustle'....

and I could already feel my brow crease at the thought of going in there, knowing that every step I take is a step closer to throwing myself into the piranha tank.

Valerie on the other hand....

well, when i looked to her, she was beaming away, looking around at all the posters with a bright glimmer in her eye that was unmistakeable. The kind of shine that not all first years have, but certainly this one.

The glimmer that hasn't been tainted yet.

and i have to remember to do my best not to be to harsh with her on the realities of this world, but i do have to teach her and prepare her.

It isn't all flashy conventions and first class flights...

its engaging with people that would throw you or anyone else under the bus in instance to get a head.

but of course, Valerie is not naïve.

...not entirely at least.

she smiled as she looked up to me "oh come on, lighten up doctor Ramsey!"


she rolled her eyes "remember, you're doing this for Doctor banerji."

"Yes, I'm aware. he is the only reason i boarded that plane in the first place." i raised a brow

she turned to me at the entrance and said "Okay, lets make this fun. Inside, we have to count how many people we see wearing toupees or wigs!"

my eyes widened "now why on earth would we do that?"

"because its a well known fact that doctors live very stressful lives and many of them resort to fake hair! You're simply in the lucky few who still has great hair." she smiled

i raised a brow "after all the interns i put up with its certainly surprising, yes."

"so? waht do you say? whoever spots the most wins! It's a true challenge, these guys can afford to spend tons of money on the best fakes...."

i sighed, seeing there was no changing her mind on this "Very well."

she beamed as she clasped her hands together "you wont regret it, this will be plenty of fun."

Open Heart AU Prequels: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now