One Night

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AUTHORS NOTE: It's Valerie's very first Christmas in Boston, and what she wants more than anything is to see snow and enjoy the festivities! Meanwhile, Ethan intends to spend his Christmas the same way he has for years- working. But when Valerie is also left alone as her friends go home for the holidays, she makes it her mission to make doctor Ramsey enjoy Christmas Eve and believe in Christmas magic again. This is "One Night" and I hope you enjoy! :)

 This is "One Night" and I hope you enjoy! :)

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The single most perfectly perfect time of year, where everything feels magical, everyone is full of love and light- there is nothing that compares to it.

From the moment Halloween turned to November 1st, I was prepared to take on my very first Christmas on the east coast, every morning I would look outside my window with the hopes of snow coating the streets below and icicles dangling from the trees....

because I haven't seen it in nearly 8 years.

Not a single beautiful speck while i was in California, and for me at least, it made it very hard to feel the Christmas spirit when walking around in thick jumpers was nothing more than an uncomfortable inconvenience rather than practicality.

But I always went out of my way to make the best out of a...very warm situation. But now that I'm here in Boston? I want to enjoy every moment of the cold and chill for my first true Christmas since I left Michigan.

And that is something I couldn't be more excited for.

Especially when today, Christmas Eve, is set for heavy snow fall.

I stretched as I left my room, the cold floor boards making me shiver a little as i wrapped my arms around my middle.

The apartment itself however, was alive with the buzz of my friends zooming around last minute packing for the holidays that they'd be spending with their families.

And looking at all the chaos made me even happier that I had to decided to stay here over christmas.

But not all of my friends were in 'Panic mode'. I slipped through the gaps in the bags that had taken up most of the hallway to get to Sienna, the calmest, sitting in the kitchen making some coffee.

she smiled when she saw me "Morning V!"

I walked over and returned her smile "Good morning Sienna. I bet everyone wishes they were as prepared as you, huh?"

she laughed "I did try and warn them, but they wouldnt lis-"

"Elijah, move! you're going to rip out the cord of my hair dryer!"

"I'm trying to move but Landry's blocking me in on the step ladder!"


Sienna and i looked over to see where our friends were in a pile on the floor after Elijah had rolled back into Landry on the step ladder.

Open Heart AU Prequels: Ethan Ramsey x Valerie ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now