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" I'm not that Cinderella type of a girl."

- unforgiven

" Stop zoning out.", Taehyung rasped nibbling her earlobe once again and gave a hard tug against him to drag her from her wonderland.

" I asked you about the kids ", He once again seethed palming her belly kissing her shoulders.

" Why are you so desperate of them? ", She asked back turning to face to him. His naked chest rumbled against her back and came in contact with her front because of his hands that demanded proximity.

Taehyung didn't answer. He kept his mouth sealed and looked into her eyes.

" Should I tell you? ", She added creating distance between them. But he was quick enough to yank her back to his rugged chest. She felt soft against him, softer and warm than the fine fur sheets.

" You just want them because you can leash me to you forever. ", She whispered tears rolling down her cheeks but she quickly wiped them back. She hated being in a vulnerable state infront of him.

" No, Aera. You misunderstood me. I love you sweetness. That's it. ", He whispered sensually nibbling her earlob causing her to shut her eyes tight.

" No. ", She replied supressing a unconscious moan. Taehyung smirked internally feeling her struggles to hide his impact on her.

" Why? Why are being so stubborn. Don't you love me? Aren't we married.
Or aren't we stable enough to raise kids. ", He asked being serious turning her to face him.

" If it's a girl, I can't ensure her safety from guys like you and if it's a boy I can't ensure a girl life from him.", She seethed eyeing him with dread and disgust brimming her orbs.

Taehyung felt stilled for a moment. A pang of pain consumed his heart. He abruptly left the room towards balcony.


" Mr.Park! Wait. You are not allowed to go in. ", Jaewan told the visitor and tried to stop him but he was consistent to reaveal the truth.

A bulky man came across his way way but immediately halted in his steps when he eyed the eagle on his gun. The visitor rolled his sleeves up cuffed them. His ink came into the view and there stood the black pearl.

" Mr.Park, Please. Try to understand. Mr.kim gave us strict orders to not appreciate visitors. If you could be patient. We will let Mr.kim know about you. " Her voice was firm yet her shivering syllable didn't go ahead him.

Jimin took a sharp turn towards her and took a deep breath before passing his dagger words," You know with who you are speaking right? "

" Yes, Mr.Park.My apologies. ", She mumbled bowing her head in pardon.

" Please, Mr.Park. Be patient.", Jaewan tried to convince him. He kept snarling at them. He emptied few of his bullets into thin air to quench his anger and one in a man.

" you have the audicity to show up here? ", His deep majestic voice echoed in the luxurious hall. Jimin averted his his gaze towards the echo and found taehyung leaning over the railing.

" What do you think so? ", Replied the blond, his eyes resentful for no reason.

" Your bitch is with me.", Taehyung replied adjusting his neck tie. He strolled downstairs elevating his charm. His gaze kept into void. He acted less troubled.

" Jaewan, I want her here.", He ordered refering to Aera,shifting his attention to his friend.

" Forget about her. She'll die soon. ", Taehyung cocked his eyebrows forth walking towards velvety couch. He slumped down taking the pageants magazine.

" What happened to you? ", The blonde with his annoyed desperate tone as he watched his friend gaze at the magazine with concentration.

" Nothing that concerns you ", Taehyung's reply was short and brief as he took no interest in answering the blond.

" Release her. ", Jimin demanded his eyes boring into the sulking figure of his friend.

" No.", Taehyung snapped back, closing the magazine. He  adjusted his wrist watch, eyes darting towards the staircase. He wanted his wife.

" Why? ", Jimin retorted seething through his teeth.

" Jules was killed ", Jimin's eyes widened, his blood boiled hearing his sister's name taking down from Taehyung's mouth.

A harsh blow landed on Taehyung's cheek turning it into deep red. His pale skin in contrast to the red hue made it look serious. Another blow caused a deep cut over his lips. Before the third can...

Taehyung took over the situation and threw his fist in order dodge jimin.
" How dare you take her name?", Jimin growled seething with rage.

" Jules is my fuckin sister.You bastard. You don't get to talk about her.", Jimin yelled marching his fist straight into his friend's jaw.

" Well you don't get to talk about Lia, when she is the one who killed Jules.", Taehyung snarled wiping the thick liquid oozing from his lips.

" Jules...Jules... She killed herself? ", Jimin muttered, his throat burning with agony. He stilled in his spot before he could process his emotions.

" Jules is my little sister. I've never saw her like a woman. Yes it's true that she confessed to me and heartbroken when I denied but she didn't kill herself out of it. Lia killed Jules and you motherfucker get's behind that bitch. ", Taehyung fumed cursing with brutally. Pulling out the sharp edged dagger he marched it through the veletty cushions to quench his thirst.

Jimin sobbed, his arms slouching together. His heart brimmed with emotions that no longer stilled but poured out and his eyes poured into void. The solace he forgot in a woman revealed herself to be the cause of it.

Aera's footsteps echoed in the hallway which made both the men settle their postures and turn upright. Her lifeless orbs gazing into void she eyed the mess.

" Let it begin. The new chapter.", Taehyung snarled maliciously, his lips curling into a serene smirk. " Get that bitch here.", He commanded plopping himself on the black arm chair.

He pulled his wife towards him into his arms. His arms secured around her waist. He kept his chin on her shoulder. " Aera, Let's make things right between us now.Should we? ", He seethed nibbling his fingers over her skin.


Hey Red crossers...

I'm back and there will be updates for every two days today onwards.

Till then stay safe and healthy.

With love,
Signed, Crown.

The 14th of May 2023.

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