Jaden was pleased with his accomplishment and was lauded by the policemen and also his parents. The policemen set off to find the passage in their house and found a locked room bolted with a padlock which was over a keypad to enter some code of a kind. The police destroyed the lock and tried to enter a code, but to no avail. Jaden jumped in at the spur of the moment when he remembered something. Their house was once called the Ivies and their code was always seven sevens and a zero to form eight digits. Ivy houses were rare and it is known to have hidden treasures that everyone thought was a myth. Jaden had been reading too many books, articles and stories to have not known all about it. He entered the code unto the keypad and the heavy metal door opened with a sound of striking. The officers, Jaden's parents, Bill and Margarite, and Jaden himself skipping behind hurried in. They were petrified by the shining silvery treasures in their best and brightest assortment of shapes and sizes. The policemen were astonished. Not only had Jaden's parents obtain a treasure mine, but they got their jobs back on track with Bill being the CEO of Billmar's Shipping Institution and Margarite, the President of the Institution. Their money issues had been solved and Jaden's parents were no longer at each others necks.
Short StoryWhat does the Thompson family get after being fooled by a dangerous gang and their leader Mr Gates? Jaden is a sweet hearted sixteen year old and he would do anything to help his parents, but to what extent does he go to get what he wants?