Chapter 1

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I was running as you can tell from annabeth I may have accidentally pushed her into the lake, but I pulled her out and now she is chasing me. I ran towards were all the campers were eating breakfast. I went straight to my table.
"Seaweed brain you are dead!" I heard annabeth scream.
I instantly got up and started to run. "can't catch me wise girl" I shouted back laughing.
That was me first mistake. Suddenly I felt a cold blade press into my the front of my neck from behind. "Help!" I shouted weakly when I realized I was only a few steps away from the pavilion.
"No chance Percy" Malcolm shouted. (He's an Athena child.)
"Why not what have I done to you." I whined.
"You messed with an Athena child, not to mention our half sister." Malcolm shouted back.
"Percy Jackson , Annabeth Chase , Will Solace, Nico Di Angelo, Travis and Conner stoll, Piper McLean, Frank Zhang, hazel lasveakze, Jason and Thalia Grace. Meeting in the big house." Chiron said.
I looked at Annie but she seemed just as confused as I was. (A/N Did I forget to mention that Thalia came back because Chiron needed her. anyways.) We made out way back to the big house where we saw nico, will and Thalia and everybody else. "Heroes I have a quest for you." Chiron said.
"Okay what's the quest?" Annabeth said.
"I would like you all to keep an open mind about this children." Chiron said. We all nodded our heads in sync.
"I am sending you on a quest to a wizard sch-" Chiron said.
"Hold up wizards exist, and you want us to do what." I interrupted.
"If you had let me finish." he said with a pointed look. " for this quest though I am sending you too a wizard school if you accept?" he asked.
"I'm in." nico said with finally in his tone.
"I'm coming too" I said suddenly.
"We're in too" said Thalia and annabeth nodded her head in agreement.
The stoll's nodded. "I'm coming." Jason said with piper.
"We're coming as well." said frank and hazel nodded. "Well I guess this means I am coming to it would be weird if I said no." will said. "Okay so the school is located in London, England. The school will be notified of your arrival and they will know that you're demigods." Chiron said.

Harry Pov

"All students please go too the great hall thank you." Professor Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded through the dorms. (A/N let's just pretend that he didn't die) "students we will be having a group of students coming to Hogwarts they are half-bloods or demigods they will be immune to our spells so unless you're looking for a fist or sword fight do not engage them. We need to make friends with them." Dumbledore said when we got to the great hall.
"when will they be arriving" someone shouted.
"Ah they should arrive sometime between now and tomorrow." Dumbledore said.

Magical time skip

"What do you think that they will look like?" Hermione said.
"Why would you care about what they look like?" Ron said looking bewildered.
"I mean will they have glowing skin, perfect hair. They are half God after all." hermione said.
"We should get to class we have potions today." I said.

Okay first chapter what do you guys think. Also I think I spelt hazel's last name wrong. thank you

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