Ending Chapter

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It's been few days ever since everything is back to normal. Akako was right, none of their friends remember the events of what happen on that changed reality. The adults that was claimed to be Edogawa are in prison for different issue and so the name Edogawa disappear as reality change back to normal and Conan is the only person with that name around them

In the morning, Shinichi gets up and quickly prepare breakfast for him and his little brother. It's been so long since he's the one who cooks breakfast because Conan always wake up early and make it for them and only few times he overslept if there was a heist in the previous night. But ever since that incident, he has been oversleeping so sometimes they don't have breakfast or Shinichi make quick toast for them. While today since Shinichi doesn't have school since the only people who go to school is just students who still have bad grade in their last exams so he can make proper breakfast for them. As he toasts some bread, he heard moan coming from the door

"Good morning Shinichi-niichan" said Conan who rubbed his eyes
"Good morning Conan" said Shinichi smiling while cooking the eggs and bacon

Conan sits on the chair of where he always seated for eating and see closely on what the teenager is making

"Western breakfast?" asked Conan as he looks
"Yeah, it's easier to make rather than Japanese breakfast" said Shinichi as he cooks
"Sometimes I make it for us"
"You always prepare it the night before for our meals on the next day, it becomes your habit before that incident"
"Hehehe, sorry for not making it for these few days"
"It's fine, if you not feel to do it then it's okay. I already used to make this kind of meals before you moved here"

Shinichi quickly finish cooking and they eat together on their usual spot. They just eat quietly while looking at the news on TV. Moments later, Conan whose done washing the dishes look at Shinichi reading newspaper on the sofa. Conan remembers that his big brother doesn't have school today so he goes in front of him without saying a word which surprised the high schooler

"What's wrong Conan?" asked Shinichi as he close the newspaper
"Niichan... Can I... take a day off from school?" said Conan look down
"Eh? why suddenly, is there something wrong?"

Shinichi was surprise and confused at the same time on his brother's act. Conan rarely ask for day off from school knowing his love for school and friends

"Tomorrow is weekend after all... Can we have a trip, just two of us?" asked Conan in low voice while looking away

Shinichi didn't expect the request from his little brother, he smile and then pat his head which make Conan looks up to his big brother's face

"Alright, after what happen to us before, I will gladly grant your request. How about we go to Nagano? I heard there's a good Onsen there" said Shinichi smiling
"Yatta! I will pack our stuff!" said Conan happily as he dashes to his room

Shinichi can't help to smile by his little brother's act. Shinichi quickly dial the elementary school informing that Conan has some business to do so he will not be attending school today


Time Skip~

They go to the famous Onsen in Nagano. When they arrive, they go to their room and they can see that their room included a view of Nagano from the big window and balcony. Shinichi put their clothes on the wardrobe while Conan on the balcony enjoying the view

"Woah! It's beautiful!" said Conan happily
"Conan, don't get too close on the balcony" said Shinichi as he look around the room for futon and other stuff

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