Part 4 (Chara)

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God I am such an idiot! What on earth was I thinking kissing Frisk like that. She might be beautiful, even with her injuries, but there was absolutely no way she thought of me in that way. I mean, she is an innocent and pure girl, whilst I am a twisted, demonic creature, talk about being out of my league. I stomp down the hallway embarrassed and enter the living room. Toriel was reading a book on her chair.

"My child" she calls out and closes her book. She looks at me in confusion. "Is something wrong? You're as red as a tomato in Hotland" she gestures to my cheeks. I must've been blushing without realising it.

"Nothings wrong" I respond sharply and she shrugs.

"Chara wait!" Frisk calls out and runs down the hallway. She clamps her hand on my shoulder and I feel my face get hotter, now I must visibly be blushing. I force her hand off of me, awkwardly.

"Ahh Frisk, I have a very important task for you if you wouldn't mind" Toriel says, turning her attention to Frisk. Frisk doesn't respond to her, I glance at her and she seems distant.

"Frisk?" I call out to her. She snaps out of the trance that she was in.

"Sorry, uh, what is it you want Toriel?" She looks down at her feet. Toriel tips her reading glasses down and looks directly at the two of us. She seems very confused.

"Are you children alright?" Toriel questions us both. Frisk and I look each other in the eyes for a brief moment before turning back towards Toriel.

"Yeah" we say in unison, Frisk snorts with laughter. Toriel stands up and puts the book she was reading on the bookshelf.

"Frisk, would you be a doll and go out in the ruins to find me something?" Toriel asks. Frisk beams with excitement.

"Mmhmm" she nods "what do you need". Toriel gives her a giant grin.

"You've seen golden flowers my girl, some of them grow around the ruins. I need you to pick a few of them for me, I was just reading about the botanical science behind them, turns out they have very good medicinal properties. I might be able to mix them into a medicine to help with your wounds" Toriel explains. Toriel is clearly lying, I know that the golden flowers are highly poisonous, and there is no way that Toriel would ever forget that either. I open my mouth to say something but Toriel shoots me a death stare. I don't think I've ever seen her look that threatening before. Perhaps Toriel has a reason for asking Frisk to find her flowers.

"Of course Toriel I'd be happy to find them for you! I absolutely love flower picking" she says, ecstatic.

"You're far to excited about this whole flower picking thing. They're just stupid flowers" I tell her. She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Very good my child, you can find a flower basket right by the front door. Please be careful" Toriel walks over and gives Frisk a pst on the shoulder. She runs to the door, picks up the flower basket and twirls around to look at me.

"I'll be back soon Chara" she singles me out specifically. I take that as her way of telling me that she wants to talk about what had happened. I give her a nervous smile and wave as she leaves the house, shutting the front door behind her.


Toriel gets back into her arm chair and looks at me.

"Come closer, sit with me Chara" she gestures to the spot on her lap. I accept her invitation and sit down. This is a comfort that I have dreamed about for far too long, to be in the loving embrace of my mother. I burst into tears and cry into Toriels shoulder, hugging her tightly.

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