Part 10 (Chara)

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Tonight was going to be perfect, I knew it. Frisk and I walk hand in hand into Waterfall, smiling at each other along the way.

"Chara, today has been the best birthday ever" Frisk exclaims. It had been a good day for sure. I mean I had enjoyed doing the shopping for her, breakfast was good and Toriel's cake was delicious, and spending time with Frisk and our friends made everything perfectly sublime. Now comes the twilight of the day, where I ask Frisk the life changing question of if she will spend the rest of her life with me.

"I've enjoyed today a lot too" I respond dreamily. "Isn't Waterfall beautiful?" Frisk pulls me into her by the waist and kisses me.

"Not as beautiful as you" she purrs seductively. I raise an eyebrow.

"You're being a bit more confident than usual" I observe her posture being more domineering to me than usual. She laughs, leading us further into Waterfall.

"Only because you're shaking like a leaf in the wind" she explains. I was extremely nervous about tonight that was for sure. "Chara, why were you in your underwear in bed this morning?".

"Honestly? I fell into the river trying to set up the camp. I had to change into something but I didn't want to wake you up so I just- it was nothing sexual Frisk honest" I answer, bitterly. I was afraid that she wouldn't believe me given my previous sexual infractions with her. She howls with laughter.

"Don't worry I believe you, I know how clumsy you are" I punch her in the arm. She rubs it and scowls at me.

"That hurt!" She yells. I bite my hand softly.

"Sorry I- I am so sorry Frisk really I" Frisk punches me in the arm back. I reflexively yelp in pain then laugh. I deserved that.

"Chara why are you all nervous, you're sweating like crazy" Frisk demands. She was right, I was sweating despite the cold climate.

"I'm just sweating because I'm unfit, it's a long walk" I lie. She's clearly not buying it.

"You can't be unfit with big muscles like yours!" She cries. I grunt in annoyance and grab her by her sleeve.

"Come on, it's getting late" I drag her through Waterfall.


We arrive at the camp site I prepared the night before and I invite her to sit down on a fold out chair. She does, looking at me with such confusion.

"Chara what is going on, you are acting unbelievably strange" Frisk says. I ignore her entirely and pull a chocolate bar out of my pocket. I snap it in half and give half to her.

"This was always my favourite chocolate growing up" I tell her. She bites into it, her ears perk up and her eyes widen.

"Oh my god" she says stunned, with her mouth full "this tastes great thank you so much Chara". I put my hand on her lap and gaze into her eyes.

"You know a few days ago I tried to scratch out your eyes, your eye is pretty much healed again, and it's absolutely adorable" I stroke her cheek and kiss her softly "just like you". Frisk grins back at me.

"You're being so nice tonight, what on earth is going on?" Frisk is begging for answers. I guess it's finally time I give her some.

"You see that hill over there? I bet it has a great view at the top, wanna walk up it together?" I ask her, completely ignoring her questions. She shoves me.

"Stop ignoring me!!!" She whines. I laugh at her.

"You know I love it when you whine, come on" I take her hand and we walk up the hill together. "The water looks stunning tonight doesn't it, very calm and peaceful". Frisk sighs in annoyance.

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