The Side Effects Of Love

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"If they would have ingested a larger amount of the poisen they would have been 6 feet under with the queen" the doctor said to the king in a monotone but concerned voice. "Sir if you do not mind me asking, what was the poisen even for?" The king stayed silent. "Sir , what was it for ?" He said demanding an answer. " It was", he started his voice trailing off, " It was to poisen the queen." Horror struck the girls and the doctors face at the same time. The girls got up and started beating on the kings chest screaming "why! Why ! Why!". All they wanted was their mother back and their father being their only confidant and the murderer of their mother they felt like their whole life was falling apart slowly and painfully. Every little thing broke off bigger pieces. They didn't have anyone to turn to and they didn't know who to trust anymore. All they had was each other. When their father tried to explain why he killed the queen they didn't listen. They either yelled for the maids or yelled for the guards. Since he lost his title as a father , they called him King Jason. It broke his heart every time they said this.

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