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" How's your leg?" Ask Kenzie. " A little bit better." Said July. " This bandage will help you. Also, don't move your feet too much. Do you need those things to help you walk?" Ask Mitchell by pointing at the crutches stick. She looks at Kenzie. " She don't need that, she got us." Said Gia. Kenzie, July, and Jess look together at Gia. She smiled. " Look at you children, how sweet you all are. Anyways, be careful when you go back home. Okay?" Said Mitchell. July smiled. " Thank you for your help, Mitchell." Said Gia. " Anytime sweetheart." Said Mitchell. " Ready to go back?" Ask Gia. " Yeah, sure." Said July. Kenzie and Gia helps July to properly stands up from the bed. " Watch her leg, Gi." Said Kenzie. After holding on to both shoulder, they finally got to go back to class. But, Gia realized. Jess was not following them. " Kenzie, could you walk July on your own. I'm sorry to say this late, Jess is still inside, I need to get her. She has been daydreaming a lot lately, catch you guys later." Said Gia while running back to the clinic.

Jess was still there in the clinic. She sweats a lot. Jess hasn't smoke for the past 2 weeks because she has no money to bought it from her brother. Gia came back and start looking for Jess. Thankfully, Mitchell was there. " She's in the back." Said Mitchell. Gia mouthed thank you. She rush to the back and finding Jess was sitting on the floor. " Oh Lord. What happen to you, girl?" Ask Gia. Jess looks at Gia unconscious. " Let me help you up." Said Gia while try to pick Jess up to her shoulder. Both of them walk to the front door and catch up with Kenzie and July who patiently waiting for them outside. After they arrive, " What happen to her?" Ask Kenzie. " She's heating up and needed to rest." Said Gia. " I can take you home if you want to." Said Kenzie. " No, I'm fine. Don't even fucking care about me." Said Jess while letting go of Gia's hand. " Where you going?" Ask Gia. Jess just keeps on walking limping. She knows what she needed. Money. She could get from her father who lived in a luxurious apartment. Both of her parents are divorced so she and her sister chose to live with her mom. Her mom works from morning to night so she doesn't have any time to watch over her kids. " School still needs to be continued tho, if you want to get back to class it's okay." Said Kenzie. " I can help you with that." Said Gia. July smiles. " How about you?" Ask  Gia. " I'll be fine." Said Kenzie. " Okay, be careful babe." Said July. " You too." Said Kenzie while walks away. " Hey, Kenz. Ummm, can you do me a favor?" Ask Gia. " Sure." Said Kenzie. " If you ever met Jess anywhere on the road, please tell her that my house is open anytime for her." Said Gia. " Noted. Be careful you guys." Said Kenzie while walks out through the door.

July still holds on Gia shoulder on their way to class until they found Garret. " Garret? Is that you?" Ask Gia. He was a meter away from them, the hallway was dark because it was raining suddenly. " Garret? Why are you not in class?" Ask Gia. He turn to them and start chasing them. Gia was shocked and ran together with July who was still limping. " HELP!! STOP IT!, GARRET IT'S ME!" Shout Gia. They ran until they crash into someone. Garret. " Woah, hey, hey. What's wrong?" Ask Garret. " Fuck! That--that--that-- person. Wh-- you? Where were you?" Said Gia. " I was-- uhhh-- bathroom. Yeah, I'm shitting in the bathroom." Said Garret. " That's weird and impossible." Said Gia. " What is impossible?" Ask Garret. " Nevermind. Could you help me?" Said Gia. Garret helped Gia by swinging July hand to his shoulder.


15 minute after the chase

" Garret Hayes. It's been so long not to see you my friend."  Said the person in black. " I told you not to followed me here." Answer Garret. " Why? You scared that I was going after your cute little girlfriend? What's her name? Gina something?" Ask the person in black. " It's Gia, you asshole." Said Garret. " Woah, keep it slow man. I came here to regain a revenge. That girl has all of the answers that I wanted." Said the person in black. " Listen to me, she has nothing to do with what you're searching for. Why would you attack her on the first place and threatened her?" Ask Garret. " I'm just playing fun, you know what I mean?" Said the person in black. " Also, why would you change your name into a person whose already dead? That's not even legal, Jax." Said Garret. " STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Shout the person in black. " It's your name, and it's written there on your id card. So stop using that person name." Said Garret. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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