Chapter 2

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I looked in the mirror as I brushed my brown hair back into a high ponytail. I was dressed from head to toe in black, all the better to conceal myself in the night.

Steve had come up about ten minutes ago to try to explain his decision to me. I had told him that I understood, better to stop him now from suspecting that I was going to do something.

I could hear them walking around below me, walking through tonight's mission.

They were supposed to go track down a pair of twins with powers who had gotten away after our defeat of Ultron. They had initially sided with him, only to help us in the end.

Apparently we were hoping they would come and join our cause permanently.

Coming in with guns and other assorted weapons didn't seem like the best idea to me, unless we wanted to either scare them off or initiate in a fight, but I guess my lowly inexperienced opinion wasn't good enough to listen to.

The girl, Wanda Maximoff, had mind powers. She could show you anything she wanted, get inside your head. Supposedly she was the more grounded of the two, calmer and known to think things through.

The other was Pietro Maximoff, who had super speed. Apparently, everything was fast for him. He was said to have a short temper, and made split second decisions. It was like yin and yang. They balanced each other out.

During the fight with Ultron Pietro, who people had started calling Quicksilver, had saved Hawkeye and a kid from death by jumping in front of a gun. Everyone had thought he was dead until he and Wanda showed up about two weeks ago in the states. It looked like they were trying to live a normal life.

No one really knew how he had lived though, Bruce's guess was that along with accelerated speed he also had accelerated healing, which saved him before he could bleed out from the bullet wounds.

Either way, we wanted to recruit them peacefully.

When I finally heard them leave, I crept out of my room, running as quietly as I could to the launching room. I got there just in time to sneak into the ship and hide before it took off.

~ ~ ~

We were now about half an hour into our journey, and to say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement. I was currently crouched inside the utility closet, in a position I didn't even know was possible. I had been listening in to their conversations, and I knew that we should be there in about two minutes.

I had come up more than once in the conversation.

I felt the ship slowing, and the gradual descent. They were currently hiding out in a motel located in Minnesota. When we touched the ground, they gathered and got off the plane together, leaving me here to find my own way.

I got out of the closet, stretched to get the kink out of my back, and went to the weapons compartment. I took a pistol and a dagger before walking out.

As soon as I got out I mentally cursed myself for not wearing more clothes, it was currently the dead of winter in Minnesota, and the temperature was definitely below zero.

"Shit." I cursed, rubbing my arms and shivering while I walked. I really had no idea what I was supposed to do, I hadn't really thought it out to this point. The motel was an old rickety place that looked about ready to fall over. There were only two entrances that I could see, a front and a back. I decided to go through the back entrance and wait.

I opened the door, immediately greeted by darkness. Too late, I realized something was wrong. I should have been able to hear the others if they were in this building, but there was only silence. The strong sense of something wrong made me turn around and walk slowly back towards the entrance, knowing that I needed to get the hell out of here.

I was just about to reach for the handle when I was grabbed from behind, a hand clapped over my mouth. I tried to struggle but whoever it was was was male and a lot stronger than me.

"Don't move."

~ ~ ~

He took his hand off of my mouth and grabbed my hands, holding them behind my back. "Why are you here." he asked, I noticed that he had an accent, Sokovian.

"So you must be the famous Pietro Maximoff." I snarled, still trying to get out of his grip as he pulled me down the hallway. I still hadn't seen his face.

"Why are you here?" he asked again, this time turning me around and pulling me closer. The dim red light of the exit sign lit up the hall enough for me to see the outline of his face. I could feel his breath fan out across my face, a crisp scent of mint with it.

"I'm here with the Avengers." I replied, staring at where I assumed his eyes were.

"Who are you?"

"No one."

He yanked me even closer, and I had to hold back a yelp, he definitely wasn't gentle. "I'll ask you this one more time," he snarled, backing me up against the wall, "who are you?"

"And I'll tell you one last time," I gasped as I felt the cuts on my hands reopen, a trail of blood already traveling down to the floor. "I'm nobody."

I could pretty much feel his frustration as he pulled me up into his arms.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked, trying to push myself out of his grip.

"You're coming with us."

And then the world became a blur.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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