part 1 Letter

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Me and the tree other heirs have recently awoken and have realized we are back in our 11 year old selves body's bit we're all teleported to a room in lady Hogwarts. I was waiting on my letter to show proof that I was excepted into Hogwarts.

I take both down and start with the package and letter. Inside the letter said:

"Dearest sister Anna,
I know it's been awhile but know that you are 11 we must say the truth on why we've been gone. Your brother and me both are un hogwarts school or witchcraft and wizardry. You my sister are a Witch and i must say a darn good one too I can't wait to see the Witch you turn out to be. It's been around a thousand years and we are most likely gone now but do remember we love you and are glad you've finally awoke.

Your sister Ali."

As tears went down my eyes I looked at the package and see a baby blue and baby pink pattern on it.

I open the package and seen a diary with pictures of all my family

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