The Office Pt. 2

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Jeff looks disturbed, as I now lay on the grass, dog licking my face.

"He likes you." He says with a frown as he continues, "He doesn't like anyone, or me for that matter."

Jeff let a long sigh escape his lips. "I don't see why you're so special, are you even one of us?"

"I can assure you, I'm one of you, wouldn't be here if I wasn't, trust me," I say while giving his strange-looking dog belly rubs. Jeff looks at me strangely, then back to his dog.

"Well, you helped me find Smile, so I suppose I need to help you," He starts as he reaches into his hoodie pocket. "Hit me up when you need help."

"Wait what about getting me to the office?" I take the slip of paper containing his number.

" 'Whether or not' remember? In this case, I don't think I will help you, later kid!" He takes off, leaving me in the courtyard.

Walking back inside, I take inventory. Two phone numbers, my phone, the letter of acceptance, my bags, and my self-defense kit. I don't know why I bothered; I won't need it if I can't get to the office. All my work and effort getting here would be wasted.

I check the time. It doesn't even matter at this point, BEN said everyone would be in their dorms for orientation week. I was supposed to get here earlier but I had problems with transportation, so the headmaster pardoned my absence from the orientation meeting. Back to my search for the office.

Walking down a different corridor than the first I take my time learning all the classrooms and doors. I don't want to get lost once I get my schedule. I open a large pair of grand doors and enter what looks to be a gym of sorts. Over on the bleachers, I see a couple of kids, some of whom look familiar. I see BEN on the bleachers with another kid who didn't have any limbs. Jeff, a guy in a blue mask, and a guy wearing a white mask were playing basketball.

Staying on my side of the gym, I take out my phone and unlock it. BEN's contact was already on my phone, so I decided to text him first.

'Hey BEN, this is MC'

I pressed send and waited for a reaction while looking at him. He was showing his friend something on his phone when my text came in. I watched as he typed a reply. A sudden chill breezed against my neck, probably from the AC.

'Hey MC, did you find the office?'

'Look up >:('

He lifted his head and immediately put it down in shame after meeting my eyes. Warmer air grazed my neck but I brushed it off.

'I see you didn't find it?'

'No thanks to you or Jeff'

'You met Jeff?'

'Yeah and he wasn't much help, I had to help him find his dog.'

'Oh did he bite you?'

'He likes me'

'Jeff or the dog?'

'Both? Either way, I got to pet the dog.'

'What! No fair!'

I look up at the bleachers and see BEN and his limbless friend throwing a fit, giggling to myself. Putting my phone away I noticed Jeff and his friends had stopped playing basketball and were talking to each other on the sidelines. They seem to be talking about me because Jeff points over in my direction and the others look. Whelp, time to go.

I turn and head out of the gym doors, voices calling out behind me. I don't want to be caught up in any more time-wasting shenanigans. I need to get to the office. Or the dorms. Or the...

I come to a stop in the middle of a staircase and take a seat. I don't even know where I'm supposed to be going anymore, and everyone I've run into has been no help. I came so far to get lost in this huge building. Resting my head in my hands, I think to myself. If I can't find a student that will help me, maybe I can find a teacher. Or a janitor maybe? Either is fine as long as I do it now, I can hear the boys getting closer.

Running down the hallway, I look through as many classroom doors and windows as I can, trying to find an adult. Soon enough, I run into an old theatre with a tall man shouting instructions to nobody.

"Excuse me?" I say stepping closer.

"Why yes? What can I help you with?" The figure turns around and I am met with a pair of glasses. That's it, no face just glasses.

"Oh um, I'm looking for the office, my name is MC Lastname. The Dean said I could miss orientation because I had issues getting here. Do you know how to get there?"

"Oh, you're that new student my brother was talking about. Well, my name Is Mr. Trender, and I would be happy to guide you to the office. Would you like a tour or a map as well?"

"Yes please, that would be nice thank you." Finally, someone will help me. He extends his arm and I take it, and we walk into the hallway. "I've been here for hours and no one has been of any help to me."

"The students here do as they please, like they have no sense of reason." He guides me down stairwells and hallways, multiple different rooms and lounge areas, the dorms and extracurricular spaces and finally, we are met with a pair of dark doors.

"Here we are, my brother's office, as you requested. Good luck." I thank him and he walks away, towards what I think to be the planeterium. I turned my attention back to the office. Taking a deep breath I knock three times.

"Come in." Came a deep voice, What startled me was that it didn't sound like it came from the office on the other side of these doors, but instead from the back of my head, in my thoughts. I open the door and poke my head in.

"Hello? Sir? Um, my name is MC Lastname, I apologize for being late. I wa-"

"My brother already informed me about how unhelpful my students were in aiding your journey here. Come now, we have a lot to discuss."

How? His brother hadn't said anything when we reached the doors to him. And where is his voice coming from?

"Come now child, sit."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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