Chapter 129

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Focalor's new living conditions, his new life, were wonderful.

For a start — Focalor was alive, and that was the most important thing for... Her.

It was necessary for her to spell out by just how much her new living conditions rock, even if just for mental reasoning. And therefore it was worth listing the positive features of Focalor's life in Chaldea.

First and foremost, other than the fact that she's alive, is that she wasn't forced to undergo heinous magical experiments... Okay, an outside observer that knew of her previous appearance might say otherwise. Though taking into account that her previous appearance was of a tentacled made of eyes giant pillar, only a serious pervert would think of her current appearance as a downgrade.

In particular, Focalor was not in her original body at the moment, she was currently in the body of Da Vinci. To be more precise — in a body made by Da Vinci. Which, while not looking like Da Vinci, was one of the alternative bodies of Da Vinci herself. A body which she once considered as one of the possible options as her 'body'. Ok, maybe she should start at the beginning, since with only that description it made Da Vinci sound like a deranged killer.

Speaking simply, Focalor had acquired a body, a homunculus body created by Da Vinci. The body, as befits Da Vinci's predilections, was female. A person who would only and could only give up her eccentric love for female beauty in all its aesthetic variations for the sake of her old friends and respected colleagues. And so, as expected, Focalor's new body was female.

Focalor had mixed emotions about the fact. Focalor, a Demon King, in the past lived in a body that could not be called either female or male, but could only be called an eldritch monster beyond human comprehension. Therefore, living in a body with an appearance that possessed all primary and secondary sexual characteristics was unusual for Focalor.

Not strange and not repulsive mind you, but just unusual. Like a third hand suddenly appearing on a body of a person — if the third hand were a chest, groin, a sensual timbre of voice and face and... Body.

Yes, Focalor was not the greatest master of words — she was a Demon King. Their kind usually used an incredible level of magic and their connection with the King of Kings, not a sublime syllable!

Ha, yes, Focalor's King... his Former King, ha.

Focalor, even up to this point, not really sure how she would address her 'former' King. Of course if she was unlucky enough to meet her former King now... she would 'die' in close order.

A strange situation, however, was presented to Focalor now.

After the information that she had possessed were 'shaken' out of her, she was left alive. Were she to be 'killed', and not in the way Flauros were killed, she would simply return to the King. She did not. Whatever Ainz had done to her had cut her connection with her former King, and without the connection Focalor did not have enough strength even to retain her own existence. Not to mention magic. And so she had entered into a contract with Ainz, in result saving her life. In return, she was to inhabit a body that was completely human and, given that Da Vinci was the creator of this body, of the highest quality.

Considering, however, that Focalor wasn't exactly 'trusted', Da Vinci customized this body before Focalor could use it. At least the things added to the body were supposedly only for security purposes.

A built-in spell that tracked Focalor's whereabouts all the time, transferring her whereabouts straight to the chief and Da Vinci herself. A built-in guarantee of loyalty in the form of a spell that could kill Focalor when she tried to defect to the side of her past patron. Though, for some reason, Da Vinci seemed to have another ulterior motive in making Focalor use this body.

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