Anything for you

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Authors note: sorry I haven't posted much. I had no motivation hopefully I'll be more active now hopefully

Virgil never believed in fighting, still didn't. He believed that any conflict could be resolved with talking and did not need to go to shouting or even violence. He didn't even know it had happened until Jordan was pulling him away telling him that he needed to stop.

Virgil ended up only receiving a yellow which annoyed the fans but also himself. He honestly believed he had overstepped as soon as he had thrown the first punch. He could sense why he had done it but it still confused him. He had never done this before. For anyone. Let alone a boy he barely knew.


Alisson didn't remember the incident clearly, in fact he could only recall the excruciating pain that started in his neck and head and the slight fear that overcame him. What scared him most though was the fact Virgil had not checked on him yet.

Whenever Alisson tended to go down, no matter the circumstance Virgil was the first player over to check on him and normally didn't leave until he was standing or the game resumed. He even went as far as to walk with Alisson all the way to the tunnel even though the game had restarted.

Alisson had never felt that type of love before.

Virgil becoming his main priority he had somehow completely forgotten about his sore neck and fully turned his head to the crowd of players which turned out to be a massive mistake as a sharp pain was sent through his entire body.

He winced and slowly turned his neck forward again. All that pain and he hadn't even found the person he was looking for. He tried desperately to remember what had happened and he didn't get very far except remembering it had been 2 of them going up for a header and he had gone over them and landed straight on his neck. Who was it? He couldn't seem to remember till he felt someone slam down next to him. He slowly looked across to see Haaland lying about 5 foot away from him.

He didn't miss the blood patch on the top of his shirt and as he looked closer, the dried blood all over his face and his left eye which was already bruised and Alisson knew that a black eye would be shown later.

This wouldn't have made sense to Alisson's brain on a normal day let alone when he's not able to think straight. That would never occur after a fall, especially not on grass, it looked more like to have been obtained in a fight. A fight!! No that couldn't be.

Alisson had no idea how or what had happened but his question was answered without a word needed. As soon as Alisson caught sight of Virgil's knuckles, no matter how hard it was to believe it was quite simple to figure out.

Alisson was..... Disappointed in a way, Guilty in another. He had made Virgil think Haaland had hurt him when in fact it had been the landing that inflicted more damage. The question that had been pressing on his mind. Why?

Virgil and him had never been extremely close. Sure, they could get on and most of the time are seen laughing or hugging but if it could be helped Alisson always felt that Virgil would rather be around Joe or Joel then him but he had never beaten someone up for them so was he wrong? Did Virgil enjoy his company more than he thought?

"Ali?" He vaguely heard the medic asking and the thousand eyes on him made him sense that they had been trying to get his attention for quite some time. What started as a small concern was slowly becoming major when Virgil was not among those thousand of concerning eyes.

"Where's Virgil?" He asked and he didn't miss the silence that was suddenly upon them. He tried looking around but he was stopped by two hands holding onto the side of his neck, keeping it in place. He had a small hope that it might have been Virgil but that was quickly discarded when heard the person behind him speak and it definitely wasn't the dutch accent he had grown to love.

"Alisson, are you able to continue?" Jordan asks and in the moment he thinks yes, of course i can but as soon as he moves his head an inch and a sharp pain goes down his neck and arms he knows its over and it hurts him.

Alisson ends up having to shake his finger to respond because his voice had seemed to disappear like Haaland had in this game in fact and if he shook his head it would send a sharp pain down his upper body. He hoped his clean sheet would still be intact by the end of the game.

He slowly stood up being extra careful not to move his head. Once he made it to the touchline he had one last scan of the pitch for Virgil before ultimately giving up.

"If you're looking for Virgil, he asked to be subbed off." He heard Klopp say from beside him a sly smile forming on his lips "Should be inside" He added with a wink.

Alisson had told the medics he would be alright on his own and they could stay in case someone else got hurt, to which the medics surprisingly agreed to and sat back down on the bench.

Alisson roamed the familiar Anfield halls keeping his eyes open for the Dutchmen. It didn't take long to find him considering his size. He was sitting just outside the changing room, a jacket held close to his heart. Once he got closer to the boy he instantly recognised the jacket.

It was his own.

That was enough to make Alisson tear up.

Jurgen couldn't help but laugh when he made his way back to the changing room after the full time whistle. Alisson had his head leaning on Virgil's shoulder while Virgil's head was leaning on top of his head, a jacket on the floor in a heap next to them.

He stayed long enough to see a shiver go through Alisson's body. He picked up the jacket, a chuckle escaping his lips as he placed the jacket over his shoulders and stepped back to admire his boys once again.

He quickly snapped it, knowing it will make for good banter later.

"My boys are growing up." He said with a chuckle, walking into the changing rooms leaving the two sleeping boys to sleep a little longer.


"Come on Ali. I cannot carry you." Alisson was awoken by Pep lightly shaking his shoulder. The first thing Alisson registered is that Virgil is no longer sitting next to him and an intense pain is present in his neck.

He groaned, clinging to the right side of his neck. As if Pep had predicted this, he passed him an ice pack which he placed on his neck, the cold feeling good but sending shivers down his body.

Pep stood up and held out a hand to help Alisson stand, not forgetting his jacket as he did this. Much to Alisson's surprise Pep had remembered to grab his stuff from the changing room.

When they made it onto the bus Alisson saw a sight that made him question everything he knew. Virgil was cuddling with.... Joe!!! What!!

This seemed to affect Alisson more than he thought it would. Instead of taking

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