Sleep-deprived truth

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In a dark, negative universe, one that even Ink doesn't know where it is stood a mighty castle. In this castle live some of the most dangerous being to live in the multiverse.
And one of them is screaming.

Many mornings started like this, there was a reason noone in the house had alarm clocks, they had no need for one when Killer yells until Nightmare physically shuts him up. So now the bad sanses, as they had been named by the Stars, were sitting at the table quietly eating breakfast, a rare event but most of them were to tired to do anything, when Error came moping in half asleep.

"Good morning Error," Nightmare, the only one in the castle with any manners, greeted the glitch, "how did you sleep." Error barely spared the goupy skeleton a glance before muttering, "DiDN't, mY-y stu-up-pid n3ph3w w0uldn't-t st0p crEatiNg lAs-St niGht."

The gang was used to Error referring to people by their relation to him when he was  tired, a somewhat adorable habit, especially when he would refer to them as friend or even brother, but Error had never told them he had a nephew, let a lone a sibling to be the parent of said nephew.

"I'M SORRY WHAT?" Error simply stared at Dust as if he was an idiot, "He was cre-eatIng l@st nIghT." Nightmare, ever the voice of reason, quickly added in, "I think he wants know about your neph-"
"What's his name?" Horror butted in.
"OH, InK." The room went quite while Error chugged his newly made coffee and a growing look of horror began forming on his face. He quickly turned to face the rest of the people in the room, "I cA-A-An expLaIn."

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