chapter 17

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Goh looked around the room and his eyes landed on Pibby, she was awake and seemed to have had a nightmare for she, like everybody else in the room was sweating and was breathing heavily. Getting out of his bed he walked across the room,put his arms out and gave Pibby a hug.

The action snapped pibby out of her thoughts and she just sat there knumbed by the action she hadn't felt since she'd left bunbun. She hadn't had a hug in years and she had forgotten how nice it felt.

Pibby couldn't take it anymore and started crying into Gohs shoulder, Goh just held her and let her cry like a parent would a small child. " It's ok, 8 it's gone now" Goh said between lasted 5 minutes with more encouraging words until Pibby had the strength to hug back and ended the hug with a tight squeeze. She had been holding in her feelings for years and hadn't had time to express them so they all came out in the embrace. Pibby was still a child even if she had left that life behind.

When the embrace ended Goh said "I'm sorry for taking you away from Alola but now we're heading back there so don't have to worry, I'll be right beside you if you need me"."pi by?" Pibby said and while he couldn't hear exactly what she said, Goh could hear the relief and happiness in the way she said it. "Really" Goh said, giving her another strong hug. Up on the top bunk Ash was on the verge of crying from all the emotions and Pikachu was following suit.

After the emotional morning the boys got ready and made their way to the dining hall which looked like something you'd find in a small prison. On all the tables the crew all looked on the verge of falling asleep and it was clearly obvious that Darkrai's nightmares had affected the whole ship.

Collecting their food and sitting at a mostly empty table they were interrupted by a weak voice asking for some ketchup that was on the other side of the table. Passin the ketchup to the voice they were surprised to see a very tired Sammy sitting there. He had been so quiet they hadn't even noticed him and he looked like he hadn't slept in days but it was clear it was the result of a nightmare because every couple of seconds he would freeze, shiver and continue on like nothing had happened. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was sticking all over the place.

Finishing their breakfast the boys made their way to the deck where they saw the captain waiting for them. The captain looked fine and was smiling at them like he had the previous day. When asked he responded with "oh i didn't sleep last night, or the night for that or for the last three weeks for that matter. My record for longest without sleep was 2 and a half years so i've trained myself to go for long periods of time without sleep and now since the alolan shipping ports have stopped responding i've had to stay up and chart the course myself, before that though i was too busy writing my book to sleep", he said the last bit with a slight bit of guilt in his voice, "the books called 'the people' and it's about a different universe where there are no pokemon and its less advanced " the captain said with a proud tone in his voice, "i can't imagine a world without Pikachu, nevermind pokemon" ash said looking at Pikachu and scratching behind Pikachus ear. "Well I've got this other one with instead of pokemon there are these things called yo-kai and instead of catching them you go round befriending them" the captain said sounding slightly desperate for who knows what reason, "sounds lame, nobody would watch it even if you made a movie about it" Ash said and Goh agreed with him. "Keep trying and maybe one day you'll come up with something great," Ash said, trying to encourage the captain.

"Anyways, you were waiting for us?" Goh asked, trying to bring the conversation back on topic. "Oh yes, we'll be in Alola in a few hours so I don't need you to do anything today, thank you for your work yesterday and it's fine if you just want to go back to your cabin until we arrive and try to catch some shut eye since you two look exhausted " the captain offered, "thanks but i think I'll go to the bow and watch the sunrise " Goh said and indeed it appeared that the sun was going to rise in a while "you can go to bed if you want Ash, i know how much you love sleep" Goh said. "Thanks but I think I'll watch the sun rise as well, " Ash said. "How about you Pibby? " Goh asked in in response he got a "Pibby" which Goh took as a "I'll stay"

Making their way to the front of the ship they looked out to the vast ocean around them and felt at peace in the calm environment

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