A Single-Minded Love

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Meliodas and Ban are planning to escape from Purgatory during their journey they encounter Wild Hawk's older brother he joins in the hope of reuniting with Hawk and together heads towards the Demon King who they believe to be guarding the gateway meanwhile the battle in Camelot rages on Zeldris activates his terrifying magical power Dark Nebula and faces the assault with intensive resolve but what drives him?

In Purgatory

Wild: I would've never guessed the door to the world my brother was sent off to was at the Demon King's feet the entire time my, my

Ban: by the way Wild how long have the Demon Kings been here?

Wild: unsure but before I was born

Meli: 3,000 years ago...well whatever

Wild: I also challenged him countless times but was defeated its 120,119 to 0

Ban: your stubborn

Wild: I the great warrior Wild never give up

Ban: bet master would be shocked

Wild: Mild Mild its time to fall asleep know that I am nearby to you sweet Mild

Ban: the song?

Wild: A special lullaby to Mild

Meli: You are a great brother

Ban: how about you Captain?

Wild: younger brother too? Meliodas

Ban: It was Zeldris right?

Meli: yeah...I've never talked about him

Ban: It's fine...it's sensitive you don't have to push yourself

Meli: not like that It's just boring

This is a tale of ancient times an era before the human and non-human worlds were forever divided into a second Holy War in a battle over the fate of all of Britannia and not even the gods could determine what was to come even so the conflict rages on there are those who fight to destroy the evil rule and protect the future of those they hold dear these warriors are known as the chosen heroes they are the Seven Deadly Sins

Meli: Two younger brothers actually, Zeldris and Estarossa

Ban: Estarossa? Do you mean the one that killed you?

Meli: yeah middle child

Ban: You'd be shocked that he'd be anyone's younger brother

Meli: I was once the Demon King's candidate and led the Ten Commandments but I hated it and it was too much for me to handle I personally thought the quarrel with the Goddess Clan was stupid but I still spent all my time fighting them as the leader of the Demon Clan then there was Zeldris who feared and idolised me at the same time he's always been serious and straightforward and he's continued to fight the Demon Clan...honestly I couldn't understand why he was always been working so desperately hard and that's when I met Elizabeth my world completely changed the joy of your loved one's existence and the desire to protect them I finally understood my brother he already had someone precious and worth protecting


Zeldris is seen meeting Gelda

Gelda: if your father sees us we'll be in serious trouble

Zeld: Stop being dramatic

Gelda: You don't understand...you're the prince of the Demon Clan and I'm just a member of the vampire Clan

Zeld: Doesn't matter you don't have to worry if anything were to happen you can count on me to protect you

Geld: I would never want you to do that but stills give me so much

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