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It was a stormy night in Imp City. Acidic rain fell from the dark clouds above with lightning flashing and thunder cracking along with it. In a Hellhound adoption center, the caretaker was walking down one of the hallways checking to make sure everyone was there and accounted for.

Caretaker Lady: "Morrie?"


Caretaker Lady: "Sierra?"


The caretaker, a Hellhound herself, called out the names of each hound under her care as she passes by their cells. She checked their names off one-by-one on her list, only for a loud series of knocks to ring through the adoption center. The caretaker looks up from her clipboard and towards the direction of the front door. However, instead of ignoring it, she decided to check out who knocked on her door on such a late and stormy night.

When she got to the front door and opened it, she saw no one there. However, even with the pounding rain going on all around her, she could hear faint whines coming from her feet. So she looks down to see a baby Hellhound in a basket crying and whining because of the storm.

She looked down at him for a moment, questioning why someone would leave a baby out in such a bad storm. But then she shrugged her shoulders, realizing she didn't care all too much and just picked up the baby and the basket to bring him inside.

Caretaker Lady: "Alright, looks like you have a new home now."

She walks back inside and goes up to one of the cells where a single Hellhound was lying in his bed. The caretaker opened the door to the cell which made the Hellhound's ears perk up.

Caretaker Lady: "Raphael, wake up. You have yourself a new roommate."

Raphael sat up at this, revealing to be an eight-year-old Hellhound with white and grey fur. He watched as the caretaker slid the baby in the basket into his cell before closing the door and walking off to continue going through her list of names. Raphael just rolled his eyes and lied back down on his bed, pulling the covers back on as he went back to sleep.

However, he found it difficult to do so as the Hellhound pup started crying in his basket. Raphael groaned and turned on his side while pulling his covers over his head. The pup's whines don't go unheard, though, which makes Raphael growl in annoyance. So he throws his covers off of him, gets off of his bed, and stomps over to the whining pup before speaking in an Australian accent.

Raphael: "Look here, ya little ankle biter! If ya don't quit ya whinin',, Imma throw ya onto the barbie out back!"

The Hellhound pup almost immediately stopped crying and looked up at Raphael. Then he began giggling from how funny Raphael's voice sounded to him, which only made the older Hellhound raise an eyebrow in confusion.

Raphael: "Oh, ya find this funny, huh, mate?"

The pup only giggled and laughed even more as he played with the blanket he was wrapped in. Raphael only sighed as he realized he wasn't going to phase the pup all too much with yelling and threats.

Raphael: "Alright, guess I can't really get pissed off at ya whinin' because of the storm. Ya just just a baby after all."

The pup could only make baby noises and laugh, which makes Raphael smile.

Raphael: "Alright, ya win this one, ankle biter. Come on."

The white-furred Hellhound picks up the basket the pup was in and brings him over to a dresser that was beside the bunk-bed, which he sat at the bottom of. Raphael then set the basket, which he decided will serve as the baby's temporary bed, on top of it.

Lovely Little Hellhounds (Loona x M!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now