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"Mickey, are we almost there?" I groaned and laid back on the sofa. My arms immediately went behind my head for support, and I began stretching my legs into my brothers lap. He laughed at me, pushing me off. Sticking out my tongue at him, I stood up, walking in circles while singing off key to annoy everyone on the bus.
"I am so ready to get off this stupid bus.. please lord let me off this bud.. I don't want to be stuck with my brothers and their two friends anymore.." at this, Jaime came walking through, laughing at me along with mike. They tired to mock me, only to make themselves laugh harder.
"What, don't like us, Rina?" I gave Jaime the death look, and he mocked fear and ran off. I heard him screaming to tony about saving him from the monster. I fell next to mike on the sofa laughing. I looked over at my brother,putting my head on his shoulder and giving him my best puppy dog eyes.
"Mike, please tell me we're almost there." I batted my eyelashes.
"Go ask vic." I frowned at him, but he laughed. "Honestly don't know, go ask him. Maybe the little puppy dog eyes and batting the lashes, like you always do, will work on him.
I laughed, getting up to go find our older brother."They always work on him, dumbass." He flipped me off before I walked off. "Love you too, mikey!" I skipped passed the bunks and went into the back. Tony sat on the sofa with his guitar with Jaime, and vic was fast asleep on the other sofa. I got an idea.
I crept past tony and Jaime, who I shushed before they said anything. I grabbed the air horn u had hidden in the sofa, holing it next to vic. I looked at the other two and whispered. "3... 2... 1..." I blew the air horn, waking vic up and making him fall off the sofa.
"What the actual hell, Sabrina?!" Vic looked at me with wide, scared eyes. Tony, Jaime and I were already rolling on the floor, laughing at my genius. Vic picked me up off the floor, which is amazing to me that he is that strong, and took me back to the room mike was in. Apparently, mike knew what I had done, because he was dying. Vic looked at us both and shook his head before throwing me on the sofa next to mike.
"I  believe she's yours." I looked up and stuck my tongue out at him, and he returned it. He was about to leave when I sat up.
"Wait! Are we almost there?" I crossed my fingers, wishing he would say yes. He smiled as he looked out the window.
"We probably have about 15 more minutes." I jumped up and Dancing as badly as possible when my favourite song came on the radio, I began to get on my knees and sing along, when it came to my favourite part.
"There's nothing in my system!" Mike jumped down with me and we sang together. "So I'm feeling what I feel for you!" We fell over continuing to sing as Vic only rolled his eyes, laughing at his immature little siblings as he left the room. Suddenly, Jaime broke into the room, pretending to play horrible air guitar, banging his head. Yes, we are all pretty big waterparks fans, especially me.
"Hey, Rina, guess what?" I sat up, looking at Vic who had returned. "Guess what Kellin just told me?" I cocked my head to the side, not saying anything. Apparently, everyone else knew the news, or at least what I would do, and they covered their ears. Vic looked around and laughed. "Waterparks are going to warped tour with us. Kellin heard it from the Knight himself."
I jumped up, screaming, attacking Vic in a random hug. Everyone was laughing at me as I danced around the room, singing off key to the son." There's nothing in my system!" I threw my fist in the air. "So I'm feeling what I feel for you!" Flopping on the sofa, the bus came to a stop. "We're here!" I popped up, running towards the exit of the bus. Looking at the driver, I began dramatically pounding on the door. "Let me out! I'm dying! Mike's toxic fumes are suffocating me! Help!"
Suddenly the door opened, and I toppled out, causing everyone to begin laughing. I mumbled to myself as I got up. Assholes.."As I started to run off, someone grabbed my hand, and a familiar voice started to speak to me.
"Not so fast, Rina." I broke free, running off in a fit of laughter.
"Catch me if you can,kells!" I ran off towards the main stage, where I heard bring me the horizon playing. Oli was here too! Yes! As I began to walk off, arms grabbed me around the waist, hoisting me up onto their shoulder. I tugged at familiar black hair. "Kellin, put me down!"
"No!" He took off, but not towards the bus. I began to punch to punch his back to get him to put me down.
"Let me go, asshole! Seriously!"
"No.. Way.." I stood there, staring at waterparks tour. bus.there was no way in heaven that Kellin  was  dragging me in there. I would scream and make a fool of myself. Or I would stutter and barely be able to talk. Either way, I'd make a fool out of myself. Hi looked over at Kellin as he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the bus. "Kellin, no. No! Stop it! Nooooo!"
"You are going to meet them, because Vic said to look after you until mike found you, and I am going to say hi to Awsten!" I continued to struggle against his grip, to no avail whatsoever. Before I knew it, I had been dragged into the bus. Kellin walked around like he was king or something.
"The party has arrived!"  He screamed, echoing around the bus. Otto came out from around the corner covering his ears, laughing when he saw Kellin. "Hey Awsten! You're bitch and his friend are here!" Otto yelled, and kellin mocked surprise.
"I am not his bitch. I am his slut, there is a difference!" I started laughing, along with Otto , and kellin began 'stripper dancing'. Otto came and covered my eyes, still laughing.
"You don't want to see that!" He turned me around, smiling. "Now who might you be?"
Before I could answer, kellin walked over.
"She's the bitch!" I punched him in the stomach and he stumbled back.
"Sorry, I'm Sabrina!"
Otto smiled, "ah, the Fuentes girl! Your brother, mike, and I are pretty good friends. It makes sense both being drummers, right?" I laughed,thinking of my brother being friends with Otto wood. "Yeah it makes sense. You don't seem like my brother's type though.
"What? Do I need to get sluttier or something? Kellin! How do I be sluttier, you're the one to ask!"
"Shut up!"
Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the bus. Someone came into the room, hugging kellin as he entered m, turning to look at me . Then I realised who it was.
I was face to face with Awsten knight

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