Chapter One

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If it wasn't my Mom being the other female of this household, I swear to god that I probably would of killed myself by now. Nothing but testosterone and boys lived in this house and around me.

First, my father; who you'll barely see around the house. He's a very busy man. Work would always be on his mind 24/7, especially now that he's the owner of Kingsley Automotive Group, an internationally known company.

My dad is one of the best paid salesmen in Ohio, having cars signed off and sold within a blink of an eye through the natural talent of being persuasive and a true peoples person.

Then there's Brian, my oh so annoying older brother. Being two years older than me; he was already off at Uni in California—UCLA. I still remember the day when my Junior year self heard the amazing news that he was off to college for lord knows how long. I was over the moon, but it would be a lie if I said I hadn't missed him now and then.

I've freshly graduated from high school for close to a year now, and I was ready to move on to University.

The only downsides was that from the ten that I had applied to, UCLA was the only one that responded with good news. Either way, I wasn't going to let my brother nor him get in the way of my success.


Adam, my brothers best-friend since diapers and our family friend forever. Just like how most of these stories go, both our moms were best friends—practically sisters, and having their babies together had always been their dream.

Just have the damn baby, women!
Of course, they weren't born the same time. Adam's mom had him a few months before our Mom gave birth to Brian, it was all such a happy time for them.

But no, let's not continue this great and amazing ritual with Evelyn, no let's just pop her out and let her fend for herself. Yeah, what a great idea!

Wrong! Bad idea, bad fucking idea!

Anyway, I was dreading this day with every single fiber and fragment of my body. Since the news of me joining the boat of endless lectures and frat-parties got out—despite my request of keeping it a secret— my parents thought it would be fun to throw me a celebration party.

So with that being said, it was no doubt that my brother and our intolerable family friend were sure to make a appearance. Everyone seemed to be joyous about their visit, especially with the outrageous idea of me going along with them when they go back to Uni.

I, on the other hand, was not. My mom and Mrs. Lawson made sure that my only two choices for me to get there was either by Brian and Adam, or by a sparkly van with blaring horns while my mom cheered me on as I made it on Campus.

Of course I didn't choose the latter of their options. Plus, it's not like I could drive there on my own either. Learner License Gang.

"Evelyn, why aren't you ready?" My mom looked like a bull that had just seen red, zooming through and out the doors to the kitchen from the Patio.
"I am." I groan and my eyes set target on the egg salad in her palms, my hand going in for just a taste.

"Not yet, missy." She swats my hand away. I pout, rubbing the spot where she had slapped me. "Just a little taste?"

"Not until all the guests have arrived."

I raise an eyebrow while looking past her to outside in the backyard where it was full of people talking and laughing. "Does that not look like everyone to you? I'm pretty sure there's more people than you invited." I snort a laugh, nodding my head as I mentally count everyone that was present.

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