10: Sahei🔥(Mourning Crow)

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I awoke on my side feeling relaxed and lazy, still half inebriated from spending the last four days mating non-stop with Eh'kt. Not that there was any chance of procreating.

That remained a subject necessitating an in-depth discussion. Granted, neither Eh'kt nor I had made any genuine effort to steer the conversation in that direction.

Eh'kt was sleeping soundly behind me when his breathing amplified, followed by a yawn and his giant black claws sliding up my outer thigh.

"We arrive on Sahei today?" I poked one of his quills with my ear.

"Mmmm..." Eh'kt's arm hooked around my waist and pulled me to his chest. One of his longest quills slithered into my hair as he thrummed and curled his chin into the back of my neck. That's when my favorite of his appendages unfurled.

At first glance, you'd think all adult male Zhaguai were all tailless, but they aren't. Those things are slippery and secret, and they poke out the front.

That slippery pale grey organ slid between my thighs. letting its nearly white glistening head jut out below my folds. I touched the engorged cap and caressed its tiny crown of bumpy ridges. Eh'kt growled and squeezed me tighter, coaxing a bead of translucent precum to leak out.

I freaked the first time I saw the actuall stuff. I thought he was bleeding, or I was. It was a very disturbing visual. Razkur jizz was orange, but Eh'kt calmly demonstrated that Zhaguai cum was white. It helped that it didn't move like blood in thermal, so when he finished, I made a point to close my eyes and condense down to only infrared.

Eh'kt's reproductive differences presented another unique question. Could Zhaguai seed ever take root in me? Triads weren't just a sensible strategy for child-rearing in Menthla's harsh terrain, it was how razkurs were biologically conceived.

"Will I go to the institute first?"

"Yes," Eh'kt leisurely rocked his hips, gliding his cock back and forth against my wet slit. "They will have questions. But it's forbidden for them to detain you. You are my lifemate."

"Just like that?" I glanced back at him.

"You are mine," he kissed me and pushed himself inside. "Legally, you are now part of Jahaa, a member of my clan."

The rows of smooth, rippled nodules running up and down the sides of his shaft stoked a fire in my belly.

"You've broken no laws and are not our enemy," he continued. "However, the Graven are a hazard that we will need to take measures to circumvent or eliminate. Your testimony will be vital. I've already pre programmed the comms to broadcast an encrypted file to the Institute when we're in range."

Eh'kt's pulse reverberated within me. It was like being skewered by a tuning fork emitting molten plasma.

"Your recordings should abbreviate the procedure," Eh'kt raised my upper leg and stroked his fingers near my clitoris.

I couldn't help but purr and moan. How was he still conversing coherently?

"When I brought up offspring..." I stammered. It was like my veins were being pumped full of prismatic magma. "You didn't sound concerned."

Eh'kt growled and thrust even harder, forcing my body to shudder.

Ash and water! Was his dick made of thermite?

"My people frequently dabble in refining our DNA. Some clans are more extreme in this practice than others," Eh'kt licked my ear. "It is possible for Zhaguai to breed with other species. There are no complications in this arena that our technology cannot override."

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