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This is an ❗❗ +18 ❗❗ only story: Mature language, situations, sex, fighting, etc...

I've marked all the extra steamy chapters with a 🔥. Also, Chapter 20 is an LGBTQ+ Chapter.

This is a SciFi/Action/Erotic Romance story. 

There is a genuine story but be aware that I'm not going to skimp on the steamy sections. Like all my other Erotic Romances, I generally devote an entire substantial chapter to a spicy scene.

It is marked as Mature Content. Some chapters are more explicit than others but mature content might pop up anywhere.

You have been notified.


The ReWrite:

ALL the HUNTER'S SONG books are coming DOWN temporarily.

(sometime between Aug-Sept 2024)

The rewrite is complete and the new cover art is nearly finished.

Raven Tide's new look is in the final stages.

What will happen: The books: The Hunter's Song, The Hunter's Song II: Lost Blood, and Raven Tide will be deactivated. I will update each novel, starting with The Hunter's Song, and reactivate with the new cover art as each is completed. This process will take a few days, cause real life will get in the way like it always does, but this process will go quickly, maybe a week or two total for all three books.

The changes: Grammar, flow, and some basic infrastructure within the stories to remove the fandom aspects of the stories

The overall plot, characters, and spicy scenes will remain intact.

If you see a typo in this current posted draft, sorry. I'm already on it. Please understand it's just me fighting with multiple apps that keep reactivating auto-correct. Seriously, I once had the word recalcitrant switched to rhinoceros!?! I have many recalcitrant characters throughout my books but I have ZERO rhinoceroses. It's maddening.

Why: It's a long story and I'm going to post a full explanation when I do the update, but I don't want to get derailed when I'm so close to finishing this massive project. The core reason is creative control as I move into the new books - I have some really fun spicy things planned for the new 3 books and this is the best method to make the new stories shine.I'll make a notice before this goes into effect - Click follow on my account to receive the notification.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


A few comments about this story:

This story is absolutely fantastic I always get anxious reading stories with more than 20-ish chapters. Cause sometimes it's either short episodes, or the information written is dragged on or becomes boring. And I must say. . . . That is NOT the case here! I thoroughly enjoyed this story and laughed a lot, even if I didn't comment on it all XD It's so inventive

🤣"I am going to wake someone up I am giggling so loud."

🔥"O cada vez más emocionante adoro tu narrativa soy tu fan autor"

👾"My dreams are coming true!"

🤠"Mine too mmmm"


😈"You always deliver."

👻"OMG Pure genius"

💛"I love the way you constructed the dialogs👍  if all your books are like this, the I've just found gold and you a fan💛"

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