john is gay

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It was after the show and they were all sitting on the couch backstage. Daron was taking his makeup off in the mirror. "Hey evrybody Daron is a fag ххахахахах" John said laughing "John that isn't veery nice 😒😒" shavo said, scratching his bald ass head. "Yah John 🙁🙁" serj chimed in he sounded very disappointed in hogn😭😭💔💔.

"I can fix him" Daron said, walking over to him and grabbing his shoulders, staring John dead in the eyed with his brown orbs,"this isn't like you john.." he said, making the most wuss facial expression. John SLAPPED Daron across the face. Daron dramatically stumbled back and fell dramatically inbetween the spot on the cough between shavo and serj . "OMG" shavo said, making a face similar to those on a clickbate YouTube video .

Serj jumped up heroically and then towered over john and punched him. John kicked serj in the nuts so hard he vomited. Next thing you know it's a cat fight between serj and John like you see in some animated cartoon. Shavo jumped in and started kicking John in thr head. Daron joined in and stomped his balls so hard he was not to expect anymore kids. Serj was biting John's arm and insulting him "you banana" he said ferociously and glared st John.

John was sad "pls stop it guys ur being mean" he said as he got beat absolutely fucking bloody by serj,shavo and Daron.

Jogn ended up in the ICU with four broken limbs, 2 broken ribs, broken cock, bite marks, one ball syndrome 😢, the bubonic plague and gonnorhea and a UTI 🙁🙁🙁

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