5:010| Train Rides to Reality

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Nico always hates leaving his family

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Nico always hates leaving his family.

Every time he has to return to Hogwarts, it takes an internal battle and some encouragement from his father to get on that blasted red train. Yes, he knows that he loves Hogwarts and all his friends, but it's just not the same without his family.

Ever since he got his letter, Nico tries extremely hard to find any trace of magic in his sister, so she can also come to Hogwarts. As selfish as it is, he can't bare the feeling of being without his family.

Luckily, he found Marlene and Remus otherwise he wouldn't want to go to Hogwarts at all. It just fucking sucks whenever he spends time with his German-Scottish family and has to go back to the non-German-Scottish people.

He prefers to sit alone when he leaves his family so he doesn't have to worry about either crying or blowing up in someone's face. Both have happened before at the same time, and he accidentally made some 7th-year break out sobbing. The two of them ended up crying together and never spoke again. It happened when he was eleven.

Marlene knew when to avoid him and vice versa, and now was one of those times.

James Potter didn't know that when he strutted into his compartment with a wide smile on his face.

"Happy Christmas and Happy New Year, Nicki!"

"Shut the fuck up, Fleamont."


Nico lets out a puff of air out of his nose and closed his eyes. James cannot take a hint and took Nico's silence as a reason to continue talking. As always, he was used to Nico closing his eyes to avoid conversation.

"How was your holiday?"

Nico didn't respond and began to snore quietly. Typical.

James let out a small sigh and was about to leave when a meow was heard from Nico's brown corduroy coat. He leaned in to get a closer look and jumped back in surprise when Cheddar poked his brown head out.

"Oh! Hello there, Sir Cheddar," he said with a smile. His smile grew wider when Cheddar leaped out and into James' lap.

"And how was your holiday?"

Cheddar let out a purr as if he was responding.

James continued speaking to the most intelligent and fantastic cat in history while his owner is once again, dead asleep.


Nico's dreams are a strange phenomenon. He would sometimes get them, and they would come true, in some way.

Ever since he was little, his dreams would become reality. It totally freaked the fuck out of his dad when he told him not to go to work one day on the same day his mom went into labor with Tilly.

Long story short, no one was surprised when he was welcomed into a magic school.

This dream was like the others. Just normal dreaming until he heard a terrifying growl of a lone wolf. When he faced the source of the sound, he was observing an intense fight between the wolf and a bear. He couldn't help calling out in his dream because the two both looked in mental pain as well as now physical pain. He looked closer and saw small figures not so far behind the bear. When he was about to move toward them, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

His fist moved without effort toward James Potter's face.

Luckily, James was the Quidditch captain and was used to things flying at his head, so he was able to dodge the fist with an easy smile on his face. Nico's eyes widened in disbelief, not at his actions because he was an angry sleeper, but because James didn't look at him any differently. This stupidly attractive boy wasn't making not falling for him any easier. He should give up on trying to not fall, but Nico was a Ravenclaw and they were stubborn pricks.

"Nice to see you, too!" James said still with his smile and arms full of Cheddar.

"A pleasure," Nico replied. "I see my cat continues to betray me for you."

"So it seems. It's not my fault I'm just better."

Nico raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. "Is that so?"

He thought he was imagining James' face getting red, but Cheddar certainly wasn't. Cheddar the cat sees everything.

James clears his throat and asks, "have a splendid dream?"

"Not at all." You weren't there.

"Tragic," James said with a smile.

He has no idea that he is still petting Cheddar, but the happy cat will rarely reject affection. Unlike his stubborn, coffee-addict disaster of an owner.

As if sensing his thoughts, Nico sends a sharp glare to his cat.

"Why are you glaring at innocent Cheddar, darling Nico?" James asks while tilting his head.

"Because he is a wenig scheisse. That's why he's brown."

Cheddar yowls in disbelief and James is hit with a dirty thought that would make Sirius blush. Nico smirks lightly at the reactions he received.

He is definitely Remus' friend when he pulls out a book and begins reading. James usually hates being ignored, but he feels more than alright with simply sitting on the train while petting a fluffy cat in silence.

Anyone walking past the train compartment would think the two are a couple. Something about the way they were doing their own thing together appears domestic in a strange way. If anything, the word to describe the scene is peaceful.


Sadly and tragically, the peace did not last.

Peter and Mary found the two and graced them with their presence. Both carrying sweets from the Trolly Lady and Peter reluctantly shared when James asked for a chocolate wand. Nico asked for one as well when he saw the sad look on Peter's face, but he was rejected.

"Have anything for me?" Peter asks Nico rhetorically.

Rolling his eyes, Nico got up and grabbed a Tupperware container from his bag.

Amazed and with wide eyes, James asks, "what is that?"

"It's a magical device invented by the gods to prolong life," Nico answers.



Ignoring Mary's scoff, James has a smile on his face that can only be described as miraculous. He looks as if he had seen Santa Claus. He can't wait to impress Sirius with his knowledge about Muggles.

It isn't much longer until they reach the station in Hogsmead.

Back to reality.


Author's Note

It certainly has been a while... el oh el

only about 9 months later

a baby was literally born in the time it took me to update.

that's fucking crazy

many thanks to the readers because i never thought i would get more than like twelve

this chapter is an early birthday gift to myself because i love myself

it is also like right after my first final and i needed to feel like i did something productive

- pheebs

word count: 1169

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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