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Blood rushes through her eyes, face shadowed with deep flush across her cheeks. Never has a man been so bold, so wild in his choice of words.

"I simply mean, she is fucking ugly, I have never in my life seen something so disgusting!" the man claims.

"Archie, mind your language the poor wom..."

The couple stare at the hidden women, quietly stepping closer. She panics, thrusting her hands towards the man infront. Roots of vines shoot from the rotten boards beneath her feet, grasping the males throat into a choke hold. His cries are cut short, throat bruised by the strangling vines.

"Murderous bitch, she killed my god, you're an elemental," the woman gasps.

The girl frightened leaps for the door, stunned by a tall figure looming in the door way.

Her lungs collapse, the air evaporated before reaching her lungs. The woman's luck had run dry, she was so close to escaping, leaving this place for good.

"Hello Kira." the voice purrs.

She gasps, reaching into her coat for a small dagger she had hidden. Hands leap toward her wrists, pinning her against the filthy tavern wall. Her heart races, breath gone wild.The figure leans close to her face, breathe warm against her face. She glanced toward his face, memorised by the deep blue of his eyes.

"Hello Igar. I did not believe I would see you again."

His face pulls into a sly smile, white teeth shining under the yellow light of the tavern.

"I have someone who will be delighted to see your filthy arse," he snarls," sadly I can't beat your ugly face up after your last stunt."

The woman smiles, glancing at the man's scarred hand. Thick white lines trail across his fingers, healed over from the jagged blade she had torn though his hand.

"And who wishes to see me, I have many miserable people who wish I was dead-"

Igar chuckles, shaking his hand, long blonde strands clinging to his forehead. The smell of alcohol and cheap meals fills the air, channeling her churning gut.

"I wouldn't be smiling bitch, as Nathan wishes to see you."

The girl's face drops, her jaw slack form shock. She tries over and over to find her words, struggling for anything.

The wailing of tormented people, slaughtering of criminals rings through the air. The smell of blood fresh, as executions begin for the day. Igar pins the women in the carriage, glaring at his men infront. The tall male snarls as the carriage slows, leg trembling.

"Someone is scared, is the big bad Nathan got your balls-"

Igar slams his first into her face, blood trailing down her tan skin, staining her grey tunic. She rocks slightly, struggling to fight the darkness that awaits her.

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut, or so help me," he snarls
Kira smiles as she falls into darkness, oh she thought I will not keep my mouth shut.

Thank you for reading my first piece, it means so much to me. Please don't forget to vote.

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