Bound (in Jayden's perspective)

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The soft chill of morning rain, sinks deep into his skin, well the muffled sensation was felt by himself and his detached form floating around. Had he not seen it with that girl, he would have thought it dead. Work at the market has been slow, agonising compared to his life before. Bickering and snapping wee sounds he has come accustomed to, no one like a unfair trader. Rain begins to poor, thunder booming across the sky. Beggars and trader hiss, rushing to pack up their goods before they soil.

Jayden has had some bizarre customers, from elementals to split owners, even a rare goblin or two in the middle of the night. Sleeping in the market had been a struggle, the mere shuffle of feet or cough would send him spiralling out of bed. Small costly items had sent him broke, just so that he could sleep at night.
"Jayden, Jayden. Fuck, this boy is an arrogant arse,"
Shit. Meeve. He struggles against his covers, gasping and sputtering against the cool air. His hand slips over the lock, slipping the latch open.

Meeve is not a man to anger, his short timid frame simply fools his opponent.
"Rent, your rent boy or so help me I will send the curse upon you myself," Meeve growls, his voice husky.
He has no money, broke from repaying a friend. Meeve wouldn't hear this, he is too stubborn.
"Do we have a problem boy?"
"Meeve look-"
His face boils, stiff with embarrassment. God he wished this was just a dream, even a nightmare he wouldn't care.
"Will eighty two pounds cover his rent sir?"
Bubbling and steaming, Meeve swings violently toward the voice. The figure towers over the raging man, her delicate frame gently swaying with the wind.
"Why would you pay for this scum girl, a pretty thing like you don't owe him nothing, do us."
She smiles, striding toward Meeve, her voice low, husky.
"Maybe not, but the poor man needs a hand," she grimaces, placing a small bag of coins into his palm," that should be enough."
He has never seen Meeve so lost with his words, or even sputtering at the amount of money had received.

The girl, had payed him three times the amount his rent was truly worth. Had she known, she might have kept some of her coin. Her face feels familiar, just something he couldn't place.
"Why did you help me? I don't think I'm the person you are looking for."
She is not patient, striding past him into his stall without a word. Slipping into his lone chair, it's left back leg slightly crooked.
"Are you Jayden?"
Wow, bold and assuming. He wonders if he should say no, who knows what she wants.
"Yeah," he sighs, tugging at his brown messy hair," do I owe you money or something. Shit did I do something to you?"
Had he not believed she is mad, he would have run when hearing split into a belly deep laugh.

She did not moved for two hours, content in watching him move around the house. Many people have told him, he moves strangely, as if he was gliding across the floor.
"Can I help you ma'am, sorry I don't even know your name."
"Sandra. Sandra is my name."
Sandra. He has heard that name before, somewhere.
"Well Sandra, was is it you are after, books? That's all I can offer."
Grasping a book, he slips into the waking sun.
"I am not here for books, I am here for you."
"Me. What could you possibly want with me?"
The girl seems to roll her eyes, huffing as his idiot ways. His social skills had taken a toll over the years, people rarely visit him.

"Jayden, I am here because your shadow won't help me. And if they don't help me, I will loose my head," she sneers, glaring upwards.
No, no he thought. His shadow was ripped from him, long gone. Shaking, he steps away from the mad women. Slipping against the cloth wall of his stall.
"That thing is no longer attached to me, we lost our bond long ago."
"Yes, I heard. That doesn't mean we can't fix it-"
"YOU CAN'T FIX IT. A bond can't be fixed idiot."
She stares, lips pulling into a grim line. God, people could be idiots.
"Fucking idiots you all are, no wonder so many of you are dead."
His fists curl tightly, nails biting his soft palm.
"It will not help me, unless you come with me, boy."

Rage was difficult to control, often controlling the person instead. Had he not been in hiding for years, he may have been able to control himself. Dark tendrils of shadow sweeps from beneath his skin, twisting and curling around his long arms. The woman snarls, leaping from her chair as the shadows leap for her.
"Fuck," she growls," calm yourself boy."
"BOY," he flings, hands waving in the air.
He stalks toward the women, two swift steps leave him standing in front of her. She sweeps out her leg, missing him by inches. He had forgotten how fast and swift water children are, as if they were water themselves. Her eyes tremble with fear, hands trembling as she backs into the wall. Many people fear his kind, only children of light were able to compete against his magic.

Her breathe was hoarse, lips gasping for air to fill her lungs. His magic continues to snake around him, light slinking from his rage.
"Do you know who I am Sandra, do you know who's shadow that poor girl is stuck with?"
She shudders, shaking her head, hair shading her face. He leans closer, the smell of salt filling his nose.
"I am the devil Sandra, and that fucking shadow is an arrogant arse using you all for his enjoyment."
He slides to the floor, clasping his head in his hands. The shadows drag beneath his skin, limbs aching. He needs to release his magic, holding it for too long hurt.
"I suggest you leave and don't come back. I do not care about your problems,"
"Even if I could help you, help bund your shadow once more," she whispers," the girl, she is different. She can heal, maybe bind you and the shadow together."

Why does this girl care so much, why did she want his help so badly. Sighing, he stands to face her, her eyes softly glowing.
"Why do you care Sandra, why so suddenly do people want to find us?"
She gulps, the sound echoing," Nathan, he wants an alliance with all elementals, he is hoping to find a cure."
He tries to hold back a laugh, his head tilting toward the sky. The curse, a cure, what madness has the world come to.
"There is no cure, nothing can stop this."
"But the girl, she can heal-"
"Have you seen the curse, seen what it does to someone. It rips then apart, slaughters them from the inside."
On going customers mumble and hiss, passing his stall slowly. The evening sun trickles over his skin, warming his cold soul.

Sandra is beyond annoying, her constant chatted bore him. He does not miss talking, people are always complaining about themselves.
"I watched my brother die, in my arms as a healer attended him. Nothing could fix it, he was far gone."
"I am sorry, I did not know."
He snorts, hands clenching over his chair, knuckles white from strain. He slowly breathes, the scent of books strong.
"I know no more then your people do, there is no cure. It's only a matter of time before we all die."
Screams bound through the market, the clatter of hooves crashing against the stone ground. Nathan leaps outside, weaving and dodging terrified civilians.

No one helps the screaming women, her nose running with blood and eyes bloodshot. She stumbles slightly, swaying on her two feet.
"The girl, she is here. Hiding, yes hiding. She will mend out fate, she will bring us hope," they groan, mouth foaming as she spits out her words,"she can help us."
The stranger shakes, vomiting over the paved ground. Jayden had seen this before, the I'll would vomit before dying, their eyes and nose bleeding.
"Get back, everyone get back. She is ill, sick with the curse."
Bodies scatter, tears and screams ringing in his ears. He turns to face Sandra her face grim, maybe she is right, maybe the girl could be the solution.
"Sandra, maybe, maybe you are right. The girl, she could be our solution."
Weakly smiling, she nods, reaching out for his hand.
"I hope so, for all of us, I truly hope she can help us."

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