Chapter 4

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Justin's P.O.V

I wanted to walk to the subway when I felt a hand grabbing my arm.

I turned around and saw that it was Aaron who held onto my arm.

"Would you like to spend the night at mine? It might be easier to move everything to our house again"

"You're just using that as an excuse because you missed lying in bed with me"

"How did you know?"

"We've been together for a long time Aaron, I know that kind of things,

but yeah I'd love to spend the night at yours or ours as you like to say.

Do you still drive in the hoarse?"

He took a hold of my hand and we started walking to the parking lot.

"Of course I still drive in it. Did you expect something different?"


We laughed as we got in and he started the hearse.

"We're home very soon. It's only a 5 minute drive"

"I still remember where our house is"

"I didn't expected you to forget it actually"

he drove out of the parking lot and I smiled to myself. Who would have thought that we would get back together again?

"Are you okay?"

"Hmmm.. what?"

I saw him smiling at me before he focused on the road again.

"You zoned out I think. It seemed to be something nice?"

"Yeah I just never expected us to get back together"

"And why is that doll?"

"I love those nicknames you give to me. I just thought that it was only me that felt that way"

"I thought that in those years I had showed you multiple times how much I love you"

"And I know that but... I don't know what it was, but let's forget that now."

He parked the hearse and we got out of it. He unlocked the door and Cerrone ran excitingly towards me.



I kneeled down and he jumped on my knees.

"I missed you"

I wrapped my arms around him and felt him snuggling close to me.

"He really missed you"

"Not as much as I missed him! He's so adorable!"

"I don't wanna ruin your little reunited but I think that we should go to bed. It's almost 04:15 am."

"Shit. I think you're right"

I lifted Cerrone up and carried him with us to our bedroom. I really missed this place. I never really felt home in my house so I'm glad to be here again.

I placed Cerrone on the bed and saw him immediately lay down, which causes us to laugh as we were about to change in our PJ's.

"Euhmm.. I don't have any PJ's with me"

"Believe it or not, you left some of your clothes here when you left. I don't think you did it on purpose but it turns out to be pretty useful now"

I gave him a kiss on the cheek before we changed into our PJ's. We climbed under the sheets and I couldn't help the smile on my face.

"Why are you smiling like that baby?"

"Because I've missed this soft bed, I've missed Cerrone, I've missed home but most of all.. I've missed you"

He turned on his side so he was facing me and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Big spoon or little spoon?"

I yawned as I said


I turned on my other side and felt him wrapping his arms around me and tangled our legs together, before pressing a kiss against the skin of my neck and whispering

"Sleep tight baby"

"You too pumpkin"

Cerrone made himself comfortable in front of me and Aaron turned the lights off. I closed my eyes and fell in a dreamless sleep.

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