Chapter 2

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Justin's P.O.V

I placed the bowl in the dishwasher and opened the curtains. The mornings in Pittsburgh are beautiful. It surprised me a bit that they'd all come to Pittsburgh but that means that I don't have to go to LA or NY. I'm happy that Aaron and I are great friends again.

I still have this thing that when I see something funny that he'd like I'll be like 'Aaron would love that', but then I remember that we're not together anymore and I feel empty again. It's weird because it's a decision we both made, together. We both decided that it would be better if we broke up but why is he so okay with while I am not? I could have stopped it but I didn't. And now I have to pay the price for that. I'll always love him, I mean I said it when he was on drag race.

When I was on drag race I told everyone that we are soulmates. I honestly do still think that we are soulmates but I highly doubt that he misses me just as much as I miss him. I don't miss him as my best friend because we still are best friends, but I miss him as my partner.

Thank goodness I'm gonna see him tonight again, but it won't fill the empty hole in my heart. Now what can I do to make the time go faster? Hmmm.. maybe I can just watch a bunch of movies. It's only 1 pm and I have to be there at 8. I turned my laptop on and went to Netflix. Time for some fun.

(Justin will be in bold and the other person will be in italics. Just so you can easily see the difference and don't get confused xx)

Later that day.

I walked through the doors of the club and was Danny and Roy already talking to some people behind the bar.


They laughed and embraced me tightly.

"Hii Justin"

"So am I the second one?"

Roy gave me a nod and took a sip of his drink.

"The others can come any minute. Oh wait you're the third, Michelle is in the restroom. Fixing her hair or something like that"


Danny burst of out laughing and leaned against Roy.

"I love the way you talk Justin. It's hilarious"


I turned around and saw Jerick coming in.

"Hello girls. How are you all doing?"

"We're good, I think"

The doors opened again and Ben and Karl walked in.

"Hiii everyone!"

They embraced everyone and I felt myself being pulled away from the group.

"You're gonna tell me what's bothering you, now"

Jerick sat down on one of the crutches and gestured for me to sit down on one as well, which I did.

"How did you know that something is bothering me?"

"I can tell by the look on your face. We've done drag race together and we're friends. So I just know"

"That's kinda creepy but euhmm.. I'm not quite sure if this is what's bothering me but I feel empty. It's almost like something is missing"

"-Or someone"

"What do you mean?"

"It's obviously about Aaron. You still have feelings for him"

"- But I don't get it. We both decided to break up and I was okay with that"

"Or you just said that you were okay with that, hid your feelings for everyone even yourself and now you've hung out so much the feelings returned around and you realized that you still love him"

I felt my eyes widen as I tried to progress everything he just said. He is right about it. I do love him, with all my heart.

"You're right, but he doesn't love me anymore"

"What makes you think that?"

"If he still loved me then why is he so happy and bubbly and I'm so down and empty?"

"Maybe he's hiding it for everyone. I wouldn't be surprised if he did"

The doors opened and I saw Aaron walked through the doors. He looked terrible. Not in looks don't get me wrong, he just looked extremely tired and had huge bags under his eyes. I felt Jerick poking me and him whispering

"Looks like he's in the same state as you are in. Go talk to him about it. I'm sure he thinks the same"

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