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"Lily!" A voice called, Lilith turned to her left to see a familiar skykid running towards her. Haru stopper himself before he crashed right into her.

Lilith and Haru were around the same age and height, the latter had his hair styles into a bob cut with bangs which made people often mistake him as a girl, something that annoyed him but despite that he still wants his hair to become longer so he can tie it into a ponytail and attempt to make it have standing strands of hair that resembles owl ears. His eyes sparkled brightly with the same type of energy and happiness that Lilith has, except Haru's eyes also shone with a little bit of pride.

"Oh Haru! I don't expect to see you this early" Lilith said with surprise.
"Yep!" Haru exclaimed with excitement "And look what I made!"
Haru showed Lilith two cups of tea he was holding, something Lilith didn't notice.

"The spirits told me that tea was Elder Ayin's favorite drink, so I made some!"

Lilith sniffed the tea, it reminded her of sand from the isle of dawn.

"We could...drink it later" Lilith said with a small smile, not wanting to insult her friend's brewing skills.

"Oh okay!" Haru placed the cups of tea on a nearby tree stump.

"So what do you want to do today Lily?"
"I don't know we could try to enter the caves"

"But we aren't allowed in the-" Lilith covered Haru's mouth so he can't finish his sentence. "I'm not going to cause trouble or anything" Lily reassured her friend 

"I just want to ask the spirits there a question"

"Haru, I know what we're going to do today"
                                  - P̶h̶i̶n̶e̶a̶s̶  Lilith

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