"...Grandpa...", murmured Arrow with a tone of hate, leaving his grandmother confused since, due to her age, it was somewhat difficult to hear the boy's murmur.

"I'm going to stay here for a while, I need to confirm my theory", hearing that line coming out of her grandson's mouth, Irina doesn't question and just smiles, after all, it would be nice to have her grandson around for a while to kill the longing. Leaving Arrow with the donkey, the old lady goes into the house to prepare the guest room, putting warm sheets on the bed, since the old ones were a bit moldy, and then organizing some of her grandson's old clothes in the closet.

Meanwhile, Arrow had begun his investigation, searching the barn for any clues to whatever is making his old friend sick or why he is losing weight. Taking some time, Arrow finds behind some piles of hay a small bottle with a torn and eligible label, this one having a liquid with a very strange coloring.

"What the...", looking a little closer at the bottle, he sees what appears to be the trace of a drawing of a rat's skull, which was strange, as his grandmother had spoken of rat traps but not of rat poison... Had his grandfather bought this?

Whatever it was, his thoughts and doubts were interrupted by the angry shouts and some wailing coming from the house.

"Shit! Shit! SHIT!!!!", running quickly into the house, Arrow comes across his grandfather with a belt in his hand beating his grandmother.

"THIS IS FOR YOU TO LEARN NOT TO RESPOND TO ME THAT WAY NEVER AGAIN, YOU FUCKING BITCH!", shouts the old man about to give another belt to the old lady lying on the floor, her tears of fear and pain dripping from her old blue eyes, but before she could receive that blow, Arrow rushes to her rescue and punches the old man hard in the face, so hard that his drooling, disgusting plastic teeth pop out of his mouth.

Rubbing the spot where he had received the punch, the old man looks at his grandson with pure hatred, "Who do you think you are? You piece of shit! What are you doing here?" he asks with a strange tone that the lack of teeth gave him.

"Well, I am Arrow, but I think you already know that very well, and what I am doing here is none of your business, you disgusting old man", Arrow replied with disgust, ripping the belt from the old man's hand and throwing it away, before walking over to his grandmother, helping her up and away from the old man, only stopping halfway to say with hate and disgust, so much hate and disgust that he doesn't even look at his grandma attacker, "You know what, Grandpa? One day, sooner or later, you're going to regret everything you've done.... And when that day comes, nothing will save you from the flames of hell."

After hearing that and after they both get out of it, the old man picks up his dentures from the ground and puts them back in his mouth without caring about the minimum of hygiene he should have, looking right back at the path they followed before laughing sarcastically. "Heh, sure, like a follower of God is going to burn in hell"

Donkey Grandma (My Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now