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1. She Never Texts You First.

Be careful with this one because some girls play hard to get by not texting a guy first. But you know that she's just a friend when she replies to your messages in brief or short texts. She does so because she doesn't want to be rude.

Otherwise, she won't tell you if she's thinking about you or whether she misses you. Worse still, she'll avoid responding to intimate texts because they make her feel uncomfortable and would rather avoid than tell you upfront that she's not interested in intimacy with you.

If this sounds like you, stop messaging her and see if she notices and texts you first. If she doesn't, tough break buddy! Just forget about her and move on.

2. She Demands All Your Attention But Won't Reciprocate.

She'll act jealous when you look at another girl but at the same time talks about other dudes. She can talk about guys she hooks up with but won't hear about your crazy stories. In fact, you're in trouble if you dare to talk about a girl you hooked up with because it makes her extremely jealous. And her worst fear is losing control of her affection and attention.

You're in a one-sided relationship, buddy! Your girl loves getting your adoration but refuses to give it.

She doesn't call you but expect you to call her all time and even when you call she's always busy, promise to call back and ended up not calling back.

3. Her Plans Don't Include You.

A girl who's crushing over you will certainly make time for you or invite you on her outings. But if you are the only one who organizes meetings with her, then there's a red flag that she doesn't like you as much.

If your desire to meet supersedes hers, then she's playing you. To make it worse, when you're together, she only focuses on the present but won't talk about future plans with you because you are obviously not part of it.

Girls can have specific tastes about the man they want to spend their lives with, and sadly, you might not fit the bill.

4. She Seems Distant.

Not only is she physically distant, but emotionally as well. You don't know her favorite color, whether she's a cat person or dog person, or how many siblings she has. You only seem to know her home address, but hardly if ever, get invited to her place.

If you've opened up about your life to her, but she doesn't reciprocate, then it might be time to call it quits. This is a classic sign that she's playing you like a fox.

She might claim to be an independent girl, but the truth is that every man likes to feel needed now and then. Sadly, she always gives you a cold shoulder and asks you for nothing!

5. She never wants to see you.

If a girl is playing you, she's going to make it difficult for you to be with her in any consistent way.
One of the clearest signs that she's playing you is if she never wants to see you.
When you ask her out, she has an excuse or there are always distractions when you try to get together.

She might even just say no outright...
I'm going, to be honest with you: if a girl truly likes you, she will go out of her way to make time for you!
I'm serious, we can move mountains for the man we like.

So, if she never has time to see you (and has no valid excuses), then she's just not that into you. She's just being nice. But if it goes beyond that, she might be playing you.
The truth is that if a girl doesn't want to see you and has no valid reason for not wanting to see you, then she is probably not interested in dating anymore.

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