The next chapter of life

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Hanarou Pov

Ok, time for a new start. My name is Hanarou Yuuki, I'm in my 1st year of high school. I live with my father and younger brother Haruto. I've moved to the Miyagi prefecture. 

I felt someone shaking me awake, so sat up in a panic, just to see my dad's gentle eyes. "(Time for school.)" Oh yea, I forgot to mention. I'm deaf. Today is my first day of my new school, Karasuno.

I got dressed, I hate the uniform. I got my breakfast and say morning to Haru. It was around 6 o'clock when I left to get the bus. I was incredibly nervous, even though I practiced the route yesterday. I walked to the bus stop, on my bag I had a small hearing aid pin so that people can figure out that I am deaf. It never works.

I was waiting at the stop looking for the bus, when a little ginger boy walked up to the stop. My bus showed up and I got on and handed the driver a piece of paper, that said:

To Karasuno High school.

He shook his head and said something I obviously couldn't hear. "Why don't you tell me where you are going, rather than writing it on a stupid note." I didn't know how to explain I was deaf, so I hoped he knew sign. "(I'm deaf)" He just seemed to get more and more angry, then he pointed to the bus door. Then the ginger walked in front of me.

Hinata Pov

Ok, I wonder what is wrong with her. She doesn't seem to understand what he is saying. I looked at her bag and noticed the only pin on her bag and something clicked in my mind. 'She's deaf' I walked in front of her and told the driver, "Sorry sir, she's deaf and can't hear you, where is she wanting to go?" He told me and I replied, "Me too." I paid for my ticket, and she did the same, we sat next to each other. She did nothing except give me a small smile as thanks.

Hanarou Pov

He was really nice; he is the first person to notice the pin. I gave him a small smile, he returned it. I made it to school, and immediately panicked. I didn't know if anyone was actually talking to me, so I B-lined to the admin office to find out my homeroom. Once I got there, a woman stepped up to me, "(I'm Nakama Kyandoru, your translator, nice to meet you)." I said hello and she took me to homeroom. We stood outside the door until Miss. Namaka opened it and I walked in with her. I stared at Miss. Nakama, and she relayed what the other teacher said, "(I'm your homeroom teacher, Mrs. Botan. Please introduce yourself.)"

I looked out into the classroom, people were laughing behind their hands, some were looking at me confused. I swallowed and tried to do something I haven't in a while. "M..m.y n.nname.. is.. Hanna-ro YYuuki..i."  I bowed and I knew everyone was laughing. Miss Nakama put her hand on my shoulder. I sat in the only empty desk and Miss Nakama pulled up a chair. The teacher started talking and Miss N was translating and writing some stuff down.

Time skip to after school 

Miss N asked if I could stay back to look over the notes she took for me and to make sure I was settling into all my classes well. "(Have you met any new friends?)" I shook my head. I don't know what class the ginger boy is in so I kind of forgot about him. We looked over the notes for about half an hour before my dad text me asking when I would be home.

I text him back saying I was on my way home. I stopped off at the Sakinoshita store since the next bus wasn't for another 30 minutes. I grabbed a small chocolate bar since I couldn't afford anything else. I got on the bus, it was just me. I took out my one hearing aid that my dad could afford and carefully put it in its case and into my bag. It needed new batteries soon. The bus got to my house 20 minutes later, when I walked in the door, Haru ran up to me and jumped up for a hug. "(Hello!)" I smiled back and set him down.

I walked into the kitchen to greet dad and grab some food. He smiled and handed me a bowl of ramen. I went upstairs to go through some more notes that I managed to take and went through the days homework. I went to my room, blessed my food and started eating. 

After around an hour, I had finished my ramen and was reading one of my many books. My  room was covered in books, walls covered top to bottom with books and a small reading nook next to a window with fairy lights. There were fluffy blankets thrown everywhere with stacks of books pilled on top of them.

I decided that I would read one of the books my mum had, she was like me with a wall full of books, but she had to move away for work so we don't see her often. Whenever she has time she will text me to see how I am doing. She calls dad every time she has the chance. I wrapped myself in a blanket and sat in the reading nook. I eventually fell asleep.

916 words

Blossom here

Hello! This in the 3rd book I am writing and it is a colab with Cakie_Wakie9 and it was their main idea but they wanted me to write it up. Go check out their other books!

We hope you enjoyed!

Cakie_Wakie9 here!

Hey all, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, this chapter was entirely Blossom's writing, all amazing in my opinion and I'm sure it is in yours too. Have a lovely day.

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