000. prologue

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The Great Hall was filled to the brim with students and teachers all enjoying the halloween feast. Each long table filled with food and chattering people. At one of these tables was the Marauders.

The Marauders, famously known at Hogwarts for their pranks and good looks. The Marauders included James Potter, star chaser for Gryffindor. His circular glasses hanging low on his nose as he peered over at Lily Evans, the redheaded beauty he'd been in love with since first year.

Next to James was Sirius Black, Hogwarts renowned heartbreaker. His rings shined brightly in the light as he conversed widely with Remus, speaking with his hands.

Across from Sirius was Remus Lupin, the most levelheaded Marauder. He multitasked between reading and eating, Sirius' talking acting as background noise.

Next to Remus was Peter Pettigrew, the meekest Marauder. He piled food into his mouth, not paying attention to his friend's conversation.

The doors of the hall open, a strange group walking in. The group included: Molly, Arthur, Bill, Charlie and Percy Weasley, Walburga and Orion Black, Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, Andromeda, Ted and Nymphadora Tonks. They all walked up to Dumbledore, engaging in a heated conversation.

The peace of the hall was interrupted as a bright flash of light went off in the middle of the hall, a singular piece of paper fluttering to the ground. Dumbledore got up and picked up the note, reading it aloud.

If you're reading this then, wow it worked! You must be confused so let me explain. This note is coming to you from the future, I know it must be hard to believe but please do. A few minutes after you receive this I along with three others will come to you along with 8 movies. This could very well save the wizarding world!

Yours sincerely

The Golden quartet - B.L.P, H.J.G, A.S.B and R.B.W

The hall was stunned into silence. Suddenly the doors of the great hall flung open, hitting the walls revealing four cloaked figures

"Belle!" One harshly whispered.

Dumbledore cleared his throat."I'm guessing you're the Golden quartet?" he asked.

"Indeed, Dumbles." One says.

"Would you like to introduce yourselves?" McGonagall asked.

The first removed their hood, revealing a girl with bushy brown hair. "I'm Hermione Granger, you wouldn't know my parents as I'm a muggleborn." She smiles, not being effect by the sneers.

The next removed their hood, their red hair coming into view. "I'm Ronald Weasley but I go by Ron. And my parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley." Molly and Arthur smile softly at their son.

The next removed the hood, black hair and a charming face coming into view. "I'm Apollo Black." Sirius' jaw slacks at the surname. "And my dad is Sirius Black." Sirius grins brightly.

The last removes the hood, revealing a girl with brown hair and glasses. "I'm Belle Potter and my parents are James Potter and." She pauses. "Lily Evans."

James' jaw drops before he widely smiles, jumping out off his seat. "I GOT EVANS! I GOT EVANS!" He runs up to the girl in question, kissing her cheek.

Belle smiles at her parents before speaking. "We need to get started. Anyways, in Hermione's hands are 8 movies, the movies of my life."

"The movies of your life?" Remus asks. "What happened in your life that was so bad."

"You'll see." Belle lifts her wands transfiguring the tables into sofas, conjuring a massive screen along with two doors leading into bathrooms.

"Well, everyone sit so we can get started with the first movie." Dumbledore commanded.

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