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4 days later ...

I'm currently sleeping on the bed cuddling with juan.

Yea I know...

3 days ago I got scared because I had a crazy nightmare of my parents and I couldn't sleep. So  I asked him if he could sleep with me and he said yes.

Soooo yea these past few days i've been sleeping on the bed with juan.

It's 11:30

I woke up smelling the breakfast downstairs. I moved quietly from the bed trying to not wake up juan because he was sleeping peacefully.

"mmmmm amor" he said in his morning voice

I tried to get off the bed but his arms were still around my waist. He held onto hard trying to not let me go.

oh lawddd

"amor don't leaveee pleasee" he said holding my waist putting his head on my chest

"i'm hungry and i need to use the bathroom c'mon get up" i said touching his waves

"mmm-mmm" he said shaking his head no

"please juann i need to use the bathroom really bad" i said

"please 5 more minutes" he said pouting

"fine 5 more minutes" i said


10 minutes later

"Juan it's been 10 minutes already c'mon get up" i said shaking his head

"5 more minutes"he said fixing him self on the bed

"juanito pleaseeee let me gooo i'm hungryyy" i said trying to move out of his arms

"nooo"he said

and then we just argue back and forth then the door opened

"oh - you know at this point y'all should just date already " jordan said walking in the room

"shut up" i said trying to get out of his arms

jordan laughed "okay well i was just letting y'all know that breakfast ready if y'all hungry" he said

"yea we'll be down bubs, but y'all go ahead and eat without us but save us some" i said

"mk" he said closing the door leaving

"juan come on wake up" i said shaking him moving his arms from my waist

"noo" he said whining

Since he wanna act like this imma say in spanish for him to wake up

"despierta o te despierto yo mismo" I said
(wake up or i'll wake u up myself)

He instantly woke up looked at me letting go of my wast and i burst out laughing

"what?" i said laughing

" who the - how the - did yu - who taught you that ?" he said shocked as helll he was definitely awake.

"I've been taken classes" i said winking at him

"well keep taking them classes, cause you sound really attractive speaking in spanish" he said in his raspy voice smirking at me

"Okay then" i said and he got off the bed kissed my head and walked to the sink and washed his face

I walked in the bathroom room did my business and walked to the other sink and washed my hands

"alright let's go downstairs" I said pulling his arms

𝑀𝐼 𝐴𝑀𝑂𝑅 ~ JUAN TOSCANO-ANDERSONWhere stories live. Discover now