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It's October 9, Ten more days and I'm officially off tour. The tour has been going great. My last performance in Las Vegas was outrageous.


I'm about to go on stage when I hear one of the security guards whisper something to Michael.

"What! Get all of the security guards then, we can't have this much people crowded. Take them out." He exclaims.

I took off my ear monitor and walked up to them.

"What is going on?" I asked and they both looked at me concerned. I look at them sternly

"What is going on don't make me repeat again." I say and Michael sighs.

" There's people who are breaking and barging in the through the gates." He says and my eyes widens

"What!" I exclaimed

"Alex your on" One of the background crew said.

"Alright thank you." I say walking toward the stage.

"Michael I swear-"

"I know I know" He says

"No Michael you don't know. I don't want people squished or hurt tonight. So fix it NOW!" I say walking out to the stage

Flashbacks over

Yea so after that night everyone turned out fine. They removed the people that had barged in. But other wise everyone turned out fine.

When it comes to these type of problems I could be a real bitch about.

Juan went back home to prepare for regular season which is in ten days as well. He calls me and texts me everyday making sure i'm good.

Right now I'm running out the dressing room to the stage to sing another song.

"Move, Move, Move people move" Tanisha says pushing people out of the way.

"My goodness these people just likes to stand in the way." She says sighing I laugh a bit.

"Alright girl you got this you've been doing this for a while now so I know your use to it." She says and I smile

"Yes I am and I'm finna go out and sing my heart out"

She nods her and gives me a high five.

"Your already know girl. Now kill it out there" She says as I as walk out the stage.

I look back at her and gave her a wave.

The lights are turned off as I walked out back stage. The music starts to play as I stand the center of the stage.

The crowd are cheering everywhere.

"Go figure" I sing as the lights turn on and the crowd starts cheering.

"You were the trigger , You brought me to an obstructed view When you knew the picture was bigger,Who am I kiddin'?,

Knew from the beginning, You'd ruin everything, you do it every time You are my enemy,

you are no friend of mind, mo'fucker" I sing walking to the side of the stage as side of the crowd cheers loud.

I smile waving at them.

"You mo 'fuckin' right, You mo 'fuckin' right, I'm bitter , You mo 'fuckin' right,

I'm triggered, You mo 'fuckin' right, I-" I sing walking to the center of the stage signaling the background dancer to come out.

They come out and start dancing. I get in sync with them and they crowd cheers louder and louder.

"Wanna fuck you right now, 1 just turned the lights out now, And you know when the sun go down,That's when it would all go down"

I hear the crowd singing along and I smile.

"Been a minute, been a while, Ain't let nobody hit it since you hit it, You know you always know what to do wit' it, But ain't no me and you without you in it

Damn, I'm 'bout to burn this bitch down I think I need to lie down, Cause I'm not tryna wild out now
But right now" I sing walking down the stage as the background dance continues to dance.

"Don't know what I'm capable of, Might fuck around and go crazy on cuz, Might fuck around, have to pay me in blood

This ain't the way that you want it, Might catch a case in this bitch, Don't let me catch you face-to-face in this bitch,

Tryin' my hardest not to disrespect you, After what you did, man, what you expected? You mo'fucker" I sing walking in front of the crowd.

I went up to a fan to see him screaming and recording so I walked up to him. I hear him yell at a girl next to him.

"Babe she's coming up to me!"He screams. I laugh walking up to him placing my hands on his cheek.

"You mo 'fuckin' right, You mo 'fuckin' right, I'm bitter , You mo 'fuckin' right, I'm triggered, You mo 'fuckin' right, I-" I sing letting him go.

He cheeks turn red and he starts screaming.

"I ain't never washing this off" He screams as I walk away. I laugh a bit and continued to sing.


"Thank you LA!" I yell through the mic walking out as they scream louder and louder. I smile walking off blowing them a kiss.

I walk backstage out of breathe taking off the ear monitor. Michael walks up to me hugging me.

"Good performance alex! Great performance." He says as I smile and break the hug.

"Thank you Michael for all of this" I say

"Alex what did I say" He says "Don't thank me you deserve it" We say in unison and he laughs.

"I know i'm just saying if it wasn't for you I would've have been here" I say as he smiles and gives me a hug again.

"Your welcome, Now come on we gotta hit the airplane right now. Woody is waiting." He says breaking the hug and dragging me away.

Ten more days.

𝑀𝐼 𝐴𝑀𝑂𝑅 ~ JUAN TOSCANO-ANDERSONWhere stories live. Discover now