meeting her

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Evelyn was like every normal girl in Scotland her mother a house wife and her father working as a farmer just for her family to be able to get by. But when the famine came her and her parents moved to America. As she grew up she started to get into a business a business her parents would find unfit for a lady but she could hold her own. Her family name became a big name getting anything she wanted with a tip of her hat. Becoming a big opium seller in New York men and some woman would fall to their knees worshiping her. She wanted to expand her business so she and some of her colleagues wanted to make a plan. As she walked into the room it went quiet her hips swayed in her Paris made dress that fit every curve on her body her ginger hair pinned into a bun.

"What's the matter everyone, go back to your chit chat it's just lil ole me." Evelyn says as she walks through the room the life of the restaurant coming back. Her family owned restaurant her mother's to be exact becoming a cook with her amazing skills to be able to get out of the house. But Evelyn used it as a meeting spot for her work, as she got to the basement a man In a black sleek suit opens the door for her.
"Thank you darling." She says as she walks passed winking at the man
"Ah, you've finally made it Eve how have you been." Her best friend Lana says pulling a chair out for her.
"I've been well got back from Paris we have another ally there whiling to make our chain bigger." Everyone in the room cheers quietening down when Evelyn glares at them all.
"Yes, woohoo but I'm interested in working with a man of the name Thomas Shelby, told he's a hard cookie to crack but when ole Wilde comes around he might just crack." Charles comes to sit across from Evelyn.

"So your saying we're going to that shite 'ole of a place?" He asks already not liking the idea
"What, are you scared to get a little dirty?" She asks challenging him to say anything towards her.
"No Ms.Wilde" He gulps she nods at him for choosing the right answer everyone knows not to cross her the wrong way it'll be hell of a beating.
"So, Lana you'll be coming maybe you could get some information on this Mr. Shelby and Charles your coming too be there if anything gets ugly I want this man to think I'm weak so I can hit him where it hurts if anything goes sideways." Evelyn says standing up pacing the room coming up with a plan
"I have everything packed already and tickets for us to get onto a train tomorrow so do be ready." Evelyn says as she walks away feeling all eyes follow her as she leaves. Walking out of the basement she comes back into the lively restaurant seeing gentleman laugh in their groups and women gossiping the restaurant buzzing with life even if it's 10 pm.

Her mother coming out from the back wiping water off onto her apron
"Already leaving Eve?" Evelyn walks over to her hugging her
"I suppose I am ma I have to get up early tomorrow anyways." Her mother looks up at her
"You be careful now." Evelyn smiles squeezing her mom's shoulders
"I will ma." She says kissing the woman's forehead and walking out towards her house a few men whistling as she walks by turning and glaring at them flipping them the finger.
"Pigs" she says under her breath she never really could stand men but when she wanted them for fun they were nice to toy with. She walks up the steps of her porch opening her door a maid waiting there for her coat.
"Thank you Martha." Martha nods walking away as Evelyn goes up the stairs to her room striping into a silk nightgown and taking the bobby pins out of her hair it falling into waves almost to the small of her back. She slides into bed laying under the covers falling fast asleep for the big day tomorrow.

She's awoken by Lilian one of the daughters of the head maid.
"Ms. Wilde it's time to get up." Evelyn wakes up sitting up in her bed
"Thank you Lilian, can you bring my breakfast for me?" Lilian nods backing away.
"Thank you love" Lilian blushes leaving Evelyn gets out of bed going to draw herself a bath. Going out to get her clothes for the day choosing a lavender blouse with a brown leather knee length skirt and a fox fur coat with her black boots. Putting a dagger in the garter of her stockings and a hand revolver in the waist band of her skirt. She dresses just in time for her food to come in bent over tying her laces she turns to face a red faced Lilian with her breakfast in hand.
"You can put it on the night stand." Lilian visibly shakes her head walking to the night stand and walking back
"You look lovely ma'am." Evelyn smiles in thanks as Lilian leaves. Evelyn walks towards the nightstand sitting on her bed eating her pancakes once she finishes she walks down stairs with the tray handing it to Martha. She hears a knock at the door opening it to find Lana and Charles standing with their luggage.
"Come in, Michael will take your luggage to the car it's almost time for us to go." Evelyn say stepping aside for the two to enter her house.

"So, as soon as we get there we are going to drive straight to Watery Lane and go to the Garrison. Then as we walk in we'll ask for Thomas if we don't get an answer we then us force." Evelyn says as they walk out to the car everyone sitting in the back talking more if their plans.
"Your really wearing that to fucking Birmingham?" Charles says
"Yes, Why?" Evelyn retorts already not liking his tone
"Your gonna get horse Shiat on your shoes!" Charles says looking Evelyn over
"Your not a woman built for Birmingham!" Evelyn looks at the man with a icy glare she pulls out the dagger in her garter holding it to his neck.
"Your lucky I love you Charles because if you were a random man your blood would be painting this car right now." She says cooly pushing the dagger more into his jugular nicking his skin. Charles gulps as Evelyn breathes calming herself and putting the dagger away. They make it to the dock of the ship getting of the car and grabbing their luggage Evelyn handing in their tickets and loading into the dock. Walking towards their seating for the long journey. Just you wait Thomas Shelby. Evelyn thinks smirking to herself as the journey to Europe passes on.

Evelyn is awoken by Lana shaking her awake
"Come on Eve it's time to go." Evelyn nods standing up and grabbing her luggage they get onto the dock smelling the smoke in the air from the coal factories.
"Like I say a shit 'ole." Charles says covering his nose with a cloth
"Won't you shut it Charles before I leave you here stranded." Charles stops talking as they get into the chauffeurs car.
"Where too madam?" He asks
"Take us to the Garrison please." He tips his hat starting the drive. As they get to the Garrison Evelyn tips the driver and steps out of the car Lana and Charles stepping out as well they walk through the doors and everyone goes quiet not liking the new comer's.

"I need to speak with a man by the name of Thomas Shelby." Charles says Evelyn scanning the room a man with a gruffy voice and hair like Evelyn says
"What do you want 'ith him?" Evelyn looks the man up and down
"You must be Arthur, I'm looking for Thomas have you seen him?" Arthur tries to tower over the woman wanting to intimidate her.
"What do you want with him?" Evelyn comes up fast to face with the man looking up at him
"I need to speak with him about a transaction or a proposition." Arthur looks her up and down
"Thomas!" He yells a man opening a door from the back of the Garrison entering from another room.
"What do you need Arthur." Arthur turns stepping away from Evelyn to let Thomas see her.
"This little lady here wants to speak with you about some "business" I suppose." Thomas looks at her almost belittling in a way
"Well Mr. Shelby are we going to talk or not?" Thomas walks down the steps bringing Evelyn over to a side room closed off from other people.
"Fetch us some Whisky!" He says as they enter the room a man bringing four glasses and a bottle.
"So, what do you want to speak about." Thomas says already seeming bored
"Well Mr. Shelby my name is Evelyn Wilde and I'm the I suppose"leader" of the Wilde family, a well known family in New York in the opium scale of things." Thomas pours some Whisky in each glass

"Yes, and how is this information going to help me?" Evelyn does a intake of air as she says
"Well I know all you really do is fix races and work in betting shops but I was hoping that you would want to be apart of my chain I'm partnered with many states in the U.S. and even with France as of a few days ago. You become a part of my chain bringing opium into Birmingham this will be in your best interest as you will get a cut of the money." Thomas takes a swig of his drink becoming intrigued about this offer
"And what do you want from me?" Evelyn shakes her head swirling her Whisky in her glass before taking a swig.
"All I need from you is your approval for this chain then maybe I can benefit your family with knowing some other big gangs, rubbing shoulders with the Solomon's and many many others." Evelyn says finishing off her glass waiting for a response from Thomas. He sits back in his chair thinking of the benefits in this offer and him not really having to lift a finger.
"So, is that a deal Mr. Shelby I'll stay for a while for everything to smooth over if that's a yes." Thomas nods his head shaking Evelyn's hand
"You've got yourself a d-" the door burst open with the figure of a woman coming into frame.

"What the fuck is going on?"

And finished this is my first chapter as you can see and I was just going so crazy with all these ideas I had to make another book I just can't help myself 💀.

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