What's Wrong Guys? I Feel Great!

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Name: = Speaking

Bold = Scared or when someone talks about th̵̨͍̒̍é̵̳͔̖̝̂̐̎̚ ̵̢̱̭̺̟́͛̍͝a̵̼͎͑̏̓̌̕c̴͎̮͈͙̑͑̾͌͝ç̷͎̥̳̹̊̐i̵͍̟̼͙̚͜d̵̡͎̮̙͛͗̀̅ē̴̼̘̘̩ͅn̷̛͇̉͒͠t̵̝͚̪̉̊͜ͅ

— — = extra information

§: :§ = Battle, dialogue or explaining an object he interacted with

/  \ = Pov in a conversation

《 》: editor/Hour/my notes


{Welcome to White Space, you have been here as long as you can remember}


You open your eyes to your endless white void you have come to know, but something is off you feel............ happy? You can't remember the last time you felt like this, but it feels amazing! Is this what Kel feel like all the time? You run with a cheerful smile, to the white door that brings you to your friends and the colorful world of dream world! You open the door to see Kel, Hero and Aubrey playing cards —or at least you think it's them? They look like them but they are in black and white like you—

Aubrey: Ah! Omori, about time! You were in there forever!

Aubrey seems...... Angry? No that can't be right, she must be just playing around. You give your friends a warm smile 

Kel: Hey! Stop being so rude to Omori Aubrey! He can be in his room as long as he wants!

 Kel And Aubrey start arguing like usual, but this seems more...Aggressive

Hero: Sorry about them Omori, I'm not sure what is going on. We all just kind of all want black and white for some reason, and everyone has been acting weird, And it seems like whatever happened to us, looks like it affected you too Omori.

/Oh! I guess that makes sense- wait, what does Hero mean by it affected me to?!\

You rushed over to the small pink tv on the floor, you crouch down and look at your reflection through the green screen that is playing a movie, four boys i'm walking on railroad tracks

You rushed over to the small pink tv on the floor, you crouch down and look at your reflection through the green screen that is playing a movie, four boys i'm walking on railroad tracks

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You fall back in surprised from the site of your appearance, you look over at Hero in surprise.

Hero: yeah I think I would've reacted that way too if I didn't feel, like, this.

/This is really weird, maybe Mari or Basil can help!\ you get off the floor and dust youself off

Omori: Let's go and see Basil, and Mari! Guys!

Kel and Aubrey suddenly stop arguing and stare at Omori in surprise

Hero: wow, I think that is the first thing I have ever heard you talk in the longest time Omori 

You run to the top of the stairs.

Snake: sssssssssssssssss...? (Going out, Omori?)

Omori: Yup! We're going to go see Basil, and Mari!

Snake: ssssssssssssssssssss! Sssssss, ssssssssssssss... (well aren't you energetic today Omori! I'm glad to see your in a good mood, here is your allowance for today.)

§: you got 50 clams :§

Aubrey: I still don't understand how you understand that snake Omori, are you a Disney Princess or something?

Kel: Yes! Omori is Snow White confirmed!

Aubrey and Kel Break into laughter for a couple moments wall walking up the stairs....

Aubrey: Kel get out of my way! Haven't you ever heard of ladies first!?

Kel: Yeah I have, have you ever heard of equal rights equal fights so gender shouldn't matter in this!

.....then start arguing, again, for no reason. /I don't think I'll ever understand how they can go from laughing to arguing so quickly\

Omori: Let's get moving guys! Basil and Mari are waiting for us!

Aubrey: Yea, yea whatever

§: Omori and friends all go through the White light that is a stand in for a door :§

Kel: I love nature and all but let's not take forever getting there

Aubrey: HEY, WAIT FOR ME!!! I'm stuck, get me out right now!

Kel: What's the magic word?

Aubrey: Get me out now before I punch you in the face, Happy? 

Kel: okay, okay geez

/I guess I wasn't imagining things then, Aubrey Is way more aggressive, Hero seems to be really sad for some reason, but Kel is more or less the same it seems. Maybe the effects haven't kicked in, or maybe it doesn't affect Kel?\

Kel pulls Aubrey out of the stump and continue on their way to the playground were Basil and Mari are sitting, Basil is curled up in a ball and seems to be fidgeting with a candy, Mari is looking through Basils photo album.

/looks like it got them to\

Aubrey: Mari!

Aubrey runs up and hugs Mari

Mari: oh hi Aubrey, Omori you look, really different

You nod in agreement. 

/When Mari said that she didn't have any ounce of emotion, she must've gotten the worst of it\

Everyone sits down at the picnic blanket, you decided to sit down next to Basil. You see Basil look up at you a little, his eyes... aren't turquoise or black like the rest of your friends they're....... Red..?

Basil: Omori.........

Omori: yes, Basil?

Basil pause for a moment probably out of shock of You speaking, then slowly gets out of his ball and.........

《Haha! Cliff hanger! Suffer 𖥔 ݁ ˖》

Word count: 813

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