Shit happens. Deal with it

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(Btw their base is in the dessert near the forest)

Third POV

Everyone is in the tower planning to destroy the enemies base. "So how exactly is this plan going to work" Luke asked. "Well we will launch a nuke at their base, they will most likely leave their camp. After you and Lucy nuked the base, me, Ella and Ethan will hide in the forest until they are out of the base then we will kill them" Jordan explain. "One, are you sure you have to kill, second, how do you know it will work"Lucy asked. "First yes because we can't lock them out, they will escape as well as try to kill more survivors, second, so far Jordan predicted all of their moves and he was right so it only makes sense" Ethan answered. "So he's a mastermind" Luke said. Ethan nodded.

Luke and Lucy got the nukes ready in the base while Ella and Ethan hid behind the trees while Jordan hid up in the trees. "Launch the nuke now guys" Jordan commanded. Luke and Lucy launched the nukes in the base, as expected, the enemies ran out and they separated. Jordan, Ella, Ethan sneaked after all three of them. Jordan killed one of them with the spirit sword unexpectedly, Ella killed another one with a machete, Ethan killed the last one with a gun.(I know it's lazy writing but come on give me a break) The trio walked back to the base but On the way Jordan was swaying a little "hey you alright" Ethan whispered. Jordan nodded. The leader swayed a little bit more and fainted but Ethan caught him with a worried expression, both Ella and Ethan were worried for their best friend, the oldest of the team carried Jordan bridal style then they ran to the base.

Luke and Lucy saw what happened in the tower were concerned then went to prepare the medbay. Ethan put Jordan on the medbay. "What happened?!!!" Lucy asked. "I DONT KNOW HE JUST PASSED OUT" Ethan said panicky, "uhhh guys Jordan is extremely malnourished and dehydrated. Did any of you know about this" Luke told in concerned. "NO we didn't, we just thought he was naturally skinny" Ella said, " he is naturally skinny but he now even more skinny" Luke said while putting the iv on Jordan's hand and connected it to the tube. Everyone was worried but mostly Ethan. Everyone left except Ethan

Jordan woke up slowly and got up slowly but Ethan pushed him down gently. "What happened" Jordan asked. "You passed out because you were malnourished and dehydrated. Why would you do that to yourself Jordan" Ethan said in concern. "Ethan I didn't do it purpose. I didn't realize what I was doing until I passed out" Jordan said in defense. "Alright your telling the truth but please next time be aware of what your doing alright we don't want you to pass out again nor die but just rest right now" Ethan said. 'are you serious Ethan' 'yes you need rest' 'rest is non-existence' 'Jordan you need rest' 'no I don't' 'yes you do' ' no I fucking don't' 'too late you need rest otherwise hospital' 'fine' Jordan and Ethan talking telepathy even though they don't have powers. When Jordan slept, Ethan put a blanket on him to warm Jordan up then he got up and smiled then left

"Don't worry guys he didn't starve himself on purpose. He just didn't realize what he was doing" Ethan explained. "Of course he forgot" Ella said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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