I Hate My Life

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"Hate My Life" - Theory Of A Dead Man

So sick of the hobos always begging for change

I don't like how I gotta work and

They just sit around and get paid

I hate all of the people who can't drive their cars.

Bitch you better get outta the way

Before I start falling apart

I hate how my wife is always up my ass

She always wants to buy brand new things

But I don't have the cash.

I hate my job, all of my rich friends

I hate everyone to the bitter end.

Nothing turns out right There's no end in sight

I hate my life!

How come I never get laid nice guys always lose.

How could she have another headache

There's always some kind of excuse

I still hate my job, my boss is a dick

"I don't get paid nearly enough

To put up with all of your shit"

I hate my job, all of my rich friends

I hate everyone to the bitter end.

Nothing turns out right There's no end in sight

I hate my life!

I hate that I can't tell when a girl's underage,

You know, I tell her she's a nice piece of ass,

Then her daddy punches me in the face

So if you're pissed like me

Bitches, here's what you gotta do

Put your middle fingers up in the air

Go on and say "Fuck you!"

I hate my job, all of my rich friends

I hate everyone to the bitter end.

Nothing turns out right There's no end in sight

I hate my life!

So much at stake, can't catch a break

I hate my life

No, it's nothing new hear "it sucks to be you"

I fuckin hate my life

That, ladies and gentlemen, is my theme song. I'm stuck in a rehab institution for no good reason. I never had any visitors, and I don't want any anymore. Not my mother, not my step-siblings, not my step-dad, not a single one of them. I love my dad and his music more than anything. I heard about him going to prison, and I bawled for weeks straight. I'm actually glad he's not in Escape The Fate anymore, I always thought Craig and Max as kind of rude.

I love my dad, even though he never visits me while I'm stuck in this padded wall prison. I am grateful to him because he's the one who made me who I am, from my attitude to my clothes to my awesome-looking face to my musical taste. I listen to a lot of other bands, of course. Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Memphis May Fire, Bring Me The Horizon, Of Mice & Men, My Chemical Romance... I could go on for days.

"Echo! Time for breakfast!" My rehab mother tells me from the kitchen. My rehab is where I live in one of those "ideal" households with a married couple with one other kid of the opposite gender. Little does anybody know, the "father figure" has abused me for God only knows how long. The son's name is Rogue and he's only ten, so I protect him like an older sister would. For some reason, he idolizes me. Maybe it's my maternal nature towards him or my bravery to stand up to Robert.

"Coming mother!" I stop at Rouge's room and wake him up before Rob comes up and does it himself. I've seen that happen before, and I don't want it to happen again. He had a whelp on his forehead bigger than his hand and a chipped tooth from that asshole. "Come on little Rouge. Time to eat." I crawl into his bed that I barely fit on and tickle his sides. "Okay! Okay! I'm up sis!" His adorable laugh thunders through his bedroom. He's like my mini-me with different parts.

We slide down the handrail of the stairs and smell omelettes, Rouge's favorite. "Mmm! Thanks mama!" Rouge says as he makes his plate and sits down at the kitchen table. He's more used to this hellhole because it's all he can remember. I, on the other hand, once had a mother who attempted to care but failed miserably, a father who snuck in through my window almost every night to see me, and an innocent mind. Alexia, the mother, makes her plate and sits down next to him and Rob. I make the drinks for everyone; chocolate milk for Rouge, black coffee for Rob (mixed with a pinch of saliva and dead finger skin from the demon spawn.. *insert evil laugh*), skim milk for Alexia, and orange juice for me.

"Mom" takes me and Rouge to school after breakfast, and when we get back, something inconceivable happens...

CLIFFIE!!!! Hope you like it so far! Try out my other BVB/P!ATD Imagine called Razen Hale and Other Demons!! And, the reason I put the "x12" was because I just finished watching The Princess Bride right before writing this chapter. The short bald guy says "Inconceivable!" twelve times. Yes, I counted. Love you, my lovelies!!! ^^

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