We'll Meet Again When Both Our Cars Collide

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Ronnie's PoV: Today was a normal morning on Warped. Heather attacking anyone that cursed Batman (in this case, Ron), Jacky taking blackmail pictures, and the rest of us just laughing. We don't mess with Heather or Echo once Batman's name is brought into a conversation, good or bad. Ryan busted his lip the first time and last time he tried, so that showed us that teenage girls can grow horns instantly if you say the wrong thing. As Ron's just pissing off Heather to get a reaction from her, Echo comes out of our room. I look at her and nod, knowing what she's about to do. Heather does the same, and soon, Echo left the bus to retrieve Batman in the flesh. Ron realizes what Echo's doing a bit too late, so he starts to beg for mercy. Heather, looking exhausted, lets him up but gives him a slap for good measure.

My phone starts to ring, but it's an Unknown number. I answer it, wondering who it could be. "Is this Ronald Radke?" The woman asks, sounding too formal. "Yes, this is Ronnie Radke." I didn't do anything, I swear! "Well, my name is Celia Thompson, Rouge Jackson's caretaker. I'm an officer at the Smith County Police Department. I was at the scene of the murder of his and Echo Radke's foster parents. I hate to notify you that young Rouge was in a car crash yesterday afternoon, and the doctors only gave him a week to live starting today." Oh God, this can't be true. "No, this can't be right. That's not the right kid. THAT'S NOT ROUGE! IT CAN'T BE ROUGE! YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG KID!" I'm yelling at the woman, not giving a fuck about her eardrums. I give a solid right hook to the wall and my hand starts throbbing instantly. "Mr. Radke, please calm down. His cousins are here, but he's asking for Echo. He won't let anyone see him until Echo is in the room with him. I deeply regret to be the one calling you at this hour, but someone had to do it. He's a sweet kid, and I cherished that boy like one of my own for the past two months. He needs his sister now. Can you buy a plane ticket to come see him? If not, I've got money set aside for a ticket to fly Echo, you, and one other person close to Rouge." This can't be happening. I'm dreaming. "We'll by there directly. Thank you for taking care of him, Officer." I hang up before she can say anything else. I walk out of the back room to where everyone's staring at me.

"What's not Rouge?" Jacky questions cautiously. "Some police officer says that Rouge was in a car crash yesterday, and he may not live past next week. I don't believe it." "They wouldn't have gotten your number if it wasn't him, Ronnie. You know that." Jacky has to talk logic at a time like this. "I can't tell Echo. She'd be heartbroken." "What do you mean, NOT GONNA TELL HER?! THAT BOY'S LIKE HER KID, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! EITHER YOU'RE GONNA TAKE HER TO SEE THAT BOY, OR I'M DOING IT MYSELF AFTER CUTTING YOUR GENITALIA CLEAN OFF YOUR BODY AND COOKING IT LIKE A STEAK AND FEEDING IT TO YOU!!" Heather lunges at me. If looks could kill, I wouldn't be the only one headed six foot under. {A/N: Too soon? I know it was. Sorry.} Ryan holds her back by her waist while she starts swinging. I text Vic to see if Echo can stay with them for the week while I get this problem straightened out. Ron comes over to me, wrapping my hand. And this continues for another minute until Echo walks through the door with Batman trailing behind. My daughter's always had good timing, but this brought a whole new meaning to it.

"What's going on?" Andy, seeing the scene in front of him, leaves. Smart Batman. "Nothing, Melly baby. Just get your stuff and stay with the Mexicans for the week. It's not you, darling. We just need to sort some things out." Trying to ease it on her, I can't tell her about Rouge yet. I'll tell her later tonight, after our set. "What things? I can help, Dad. You know that I could help. Please let me help, Daddy." She's practically pleading me. The way she said those words reminds me of when I was a kid, begging my mom to stay. That bitch. But, I know that if I let her sweet talk me, I'll never get done what I need to get done. "Echo Melody Radke. Get your stuff and stay with Pierce The Veil from here on out. That's final. No arguing with me about it because the answer will always be no." I'm shocked at the anger in my voice. Immediately, I see the hurt in her eyes along with the tears welling up. Did I just do that to her? "Yes sir. Sorry, dad. Didn't mean to be a bother." Oh God, I'm a disgrace! I've never been called sir by her! she's not a rude child, she just doesn't think formalities fit in our relationship, and I totally agree. She slowly made her way towards our shared room in the back to pack their things. Vic knocks on the door and I let him in. "Is she okay? Did you tell her?" I shake my head as we sit back on the couch. Heather calms down somehow and Ryan releases her from his grip. Jacky stands up and announces that he's going to go talk to her. "Don't say a thing about Rouge, Vincent." He nods and heads back there. "So, when are you gonna tell her?" Vic asks me, and by the looks in everyone's eyes, everyone else is wanting to know the same thing. "Tonight. Me, Jacky, and Ryan will talk to her on your bus later tonight. Then, Echo, Jacky, and I will fly back there to see him. And we'll take the rest as it comes."

Echo and Jacky emerge from the room, her luggage in hand. "I love you, Echo. I'll see you soon, darling. I just have some things to do before you come back, okay?" She wraps her arms around my neck, but that makes me not want her to leave. So I briskly remove her from me, no matter how badly I want to tell her to go unpack and have a movie night, just her and me. Her eyes get a cold look to them as she straightens up. She sets her bags down as she reaches for her guitar. This isn't going to be good. Not her voice; she gets her fabulous vocal chords from me. The bad part is the plethora of songs that she could sing that would hurt me the most in this situation. She starts to strum, all but Vic recognizing the song. Why that one, of all songs? I didn't see that coming, but it did the job she wanted. To make me feel like a pile of low-life shit. Her melodic voice sings every word with such raw hurt, sorrow, and rage towards me that I feel like she's a Siren, luring me to my death with every word. "I don't love you like I loved you yesterday." The look in her eye as she said that last line was stone-cold as she caught my eye. She finishes and everyone in the room has tears going down their faces. I reached for her as she was putting away her guitar, but she shrugs me away. Echo storms out without another word and Vic tells me that he'll text me later. I eventually walk to my room and throw myself down on the bed and cry into my daughter's empty pillow, sleeping on her side of the bed.

~Later That Night~

My phone beeps with a text from Vic. It's a picture of Echo and Mike sleeping, Mike with his arm around her like I always have done. He needs a kid to call his own because just look at him... My darling looks so peaceful when she sleeps, and the image brings tears to my eyes. I text him back and  forth and when we finish the conversation, I send the photo to Jacky. A few seconds later, I hear the guys fawning over the picture. "That's what I said!" I yell from my position on the bed. Jacky comes in the room and pulls out a picture frame that I forgot that I had. He takes the fifth picture out of the frame and pulls out a folded up piece of manila construction paper and unfolds it gently. "I showed her this, and she talked about Charlie remembering who she was. I think she needs to see that dog again. It'll make her happier, and I still think you need to tell her tonight. Me and Ryan will go with. We promised to visit, and it's really not our place to tell her." I stare at the picture and see a teardrop stain that looked fresh. Most likely hers. I reminisce about the easier days, when I was allowed to see her, when I snuck through her window... "We are going to talk to her tonight. I can't lose her again. Not this time."

{I bet you all hate me now.... but you'll hate me more later. *insert evil laugh here*. It's not a super-long chapter, but it's long enough for either later tonight or tomorrow. Love you all! And picture Rouge to look like the kid from the Knives & Pens music video as Rouge. ~ Just A Sheep Named Jenn}

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