I Like To Eat Food Off People's Faces. Don't Judge Me.

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{Okay, so I noticed a few things: RH&OD is set THREE WEEKS after what's fixing to go down in the next few chapters. I'm going more into detail on what happened during the trip to Chicago instead of skipping it like I did in RH&OD. And the reason I put this song is because Patrick is written to make a lot of funny faces in this, and he does in this too, so why not? But anyways, enjoy!! ~Jenna Rose}

Echo's PoV: Their faces are PRICELESS!! They're just standing there stiff as boards, not doing anything. It reminds me of the last scene in the Young Blood Chronicles where Elton John's white suit is splattered with the fake blood and his face is showed for at least twenty seconds with a look of pure disgust. But it also reminds me of what most people looked like when I was riding Jaime like a horse. Oh the memories.

"Oh, it's on, Radke." Pete finally snaps out of his stupor and runs to the kitchen for even more ammunition. I follow him, but that was a mistake on my part. He found the rest of the eggs we didn't use earlier and started pelting me with them like he was a machine gun. "OW! THAT WAS MY BOOB!" An egg hits my left boob and I shout at him. He laughs at his little victory, but it's short-lived as Joe goes behind him and dumps most of a two-liter of Sprite on his head. Pete's spluttering curses as he's being soaked with the citrus soda.

"Yes!" I high-five Joe. We were on teams during round one and I'm quite glad it stayed like that, despite me throwing the egg at him earlier. I hear Patrick say something about putting his hat away so it's not ruined and I laugh softly. "What did- AAH!" Andy's about to ask some question, but is interrupted by the rest of the sugar being dumped on him by Pete. "THREE CHEERS FOR SWEET REVENGE, HURLEY!" We laugh at the reference. While everyone's laughing and throwing various edible condiments, I rummage through the fridge and find some whipped cream in a can.

I take the can out immediately and start squirting the heavenly topping straight into my mouth. I keep going until my mouth looks like a squirrel with acorns and pecans and whatnot in its cheeks. "Share!" I hear Patrick demand from behind me. "Fine. Come here & I'll give you some." I really don't want to share, but it's their house and Patrick's face looks like a puppy that's begging for a treat. He does as I say and opens his mouth and motions for me to give him some whipped cream.

I put almost the same amount in his mouth that I put in mine, but then I get an idea. I start smearing it all over his face and he backs away when he finally registers what I'm doing. "(LOUD INCOHERENT MUMBLING)!!!!!!!" His face, or what isn't covered in whipped cream, is HILARIOUS!! Right then, Pete walks to him, sees the whipped cream on his face, takes his fingers and wipes some of it off Patrick's cheek and eats it. "Tasty." Pete laughs, but then starts throwing flour at the two of us. Poor Patty Cakes still hasn't eaten all the whipped cream in his mouth and as he's trying to curse at Pete, bits of it fly out of his mouth and onto the floor, making me double over on the nasty ground.

I unfortunately land in the Sprite pile where Pete decides to take advantage of my apparent weakness and dumps THE ENTIRE BAG OF FLOUR ON ME!! The nerve in some people! "WENTZ! YOU'RE GONNA DIE!" I shoot up instantly and am met with a slice of cold pizza. I start trying to eat the cold slice of heaven when I bite on something that really doesn't taste like pizza. It tastes kinda salty, to be honest. Ew. My bite is followed by a string of profanities and I instantly stop what I'm doing. "THAT WAS MY FINGER!" Pete shouts! "YEAH! AND THAT WAS MY BOOB EARLIER!" I shout, then whisper an apology to him that he accepts with a nod.

Joe comes back into the room and copies Pete's actions of eating the whipped cream off Patrick's still-shocked face. I laugh some more and go back to the fridge and I see something I'm kinda glad I didn't see earlier or I wouldn't be able to execute the plan I'm making in my head. "I can see the gears turning in her head. What's she thinking?" Andy asks the group, who actually stopped chunking food at each other to watch me stare at the delicious food I can't blame Dean Winchester for loving like he does. "I don't know." Joe replies. "I'm not sure if I want to know, to be honest." Pete remarks with a laugh. "HEY!" I shout at him. "What are you thinking about?" Patrick asks. "I have a plan. And it involves pie." I say with a smirk. Their faces perk up at the 'p' word and I start to explain my plan to them.


"Are you guys sure about this?" Patrick asks for the seventeenth bajillionth time. "Yes, I'm sure! It'll be awesome!" I reassure him. He's hiding under the kitchen table with his and my phone on standby. "So, just to make sure we're all on the same page, let's review, shall we?" I tell the group. The rest of them meet Patrick & I on the floor of the dining room floor so Patrick doesn't have to take forever to get back in his spot. "So when they knock, we say it's open. When they open the door, we all come out of our spots and give them pie in the face, right?" Joe questions.

"Yes, Joe. You, Andy, & Pete come out from your hiding places and give them some pie to the face. Then I come out of my spot and start licking it off the closest one's face and you all get pictures for Twitter. Everybody understand?" They nod. "Now get to your spots and be ready & quiet!" I whisper as I scurry to my spot at the end of the hall closest to the front door.

A few minutes later, we hear a knock on the door to the beat of Arms Race, like we talked about earlier for a code. {I bet you thought I was going to say "to the beat of your heart", right? You thought wrong.}  "IT'S OPEN!!" Andy shouts. The door opens and in come Onyxx, Dad, & Jacky carrying in all the suitcases, including mine. The three guys ambushed the guests with pie while Patrick and I are barely able to contain our laughter. The pie-throwers fall {out boy.} {I'll stop with the references. Jk it's my LIFE.} to the ground in laughter, clutching their sides as they roll around the room where there's still food everywhere. That's my cue to find the closest one and lick the pie off their face. I laugh when I realize it's Jacky.

I bolt to him and lick his cheek, tasting the blueberry pie on his face. At this point, everyone's getting pictures of the ordeal and the slight grin on Jacky's face. He's glaring daggers at me in his peripheral and I just smile innocently at him. "What? You tasted good." And I just now realized how inappropriate that was. He shakes his head and walks to the bathroom to clean up. Dad comes up to me. I back away slowly, knowing where this was headed. "Come here! I just want a hug!" He says, but I can see past the lie. The gleam in his eyes says what evil thing he's about to do, aka smear the lemon meringue on his face onto mine. As I'm backing away, I slowly remember something:

I've got food all over me, so why not give the man what he wants? I stop going backwards and open my arms towards him as he comes closer. He gives me the hug, still not noticing the mess his daughter is covered in. After a moment, he pulls away in shock and looks at himself. "Not fair!" I laugh. "Still want that hug, old man?" I tease him. "That's it, I'm changing the wi-fi password. You don't get away with calling me old."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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