Chapters 1-5

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"Please, please let them go. They have nothing to do with this. It's me who you want just please don't hurt my family," the man begged as he was beaten while his family was forced to watch, and were held captive at gun point.

"It's true, you are the one we want; but they have seen too much. They know too much. They have to die for our secret to able to remain just that. Don't you see, if they are let go and we only take you they will run to the cops and we can't have that."

"No... please. PLEASE!" the man screamed as he was hit over the head with a butt of a gun. Before he lost all consciousness, the man overheard a voice stating to pull the trigger.


"You have got to be kidding me Carter. You're really going to wear that on the first day of senior year!?" Looking in the mirror Carter took a deep breath and rolled her eyes. Carter and her best friend Kennedy were in her room getting ready for their last first day of high school. Kennedy was sitting cross legged on Carter's bed with a makeup brush and mirror in hand. She was obviously making sure there were no blemishes seen. God forbid someone saw what Kennedy looked like without all that crap caked on her face.

"Just because your style is inspired by Barbie doesn't mean mine is," stated Carter. Although Kennedy meant well with her comment in her own narcissistic kind of way, Carter couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. In the mirror she saw a naturally pretty face, a body that was thin but not too thin, brown hair that flowed over her shoulders like chocolate waves and eyes that were as deep blue as the sea. "There is nothing wrong with rolled up ripped jeans, Chuck's and a leather jacket," Carter smirked as Kennedy made a gagging noise.

"Maybe not. But honey, your shoes look like they have gone through World War III. You've been wearing those Chuck's since I met you three years ago. Don't you want to start off senior year right? I wish you would let me take you shopping, at least for a cute pair of boots; because honestly? I don't have an issue with your jeans and jacket... leather is very in this year," Kennedy snapped her mirror shut.

"It's good enough. I'm not going to school to make friends, I'm going to get an education to get into a good college like my dad and I had always planned on doing before he died," Kennedy pouted, "If you want to take me to go get a new pair of boots or Chuck's Thursday after school then I have no issue with that, but," Carter held up her index finger, "I'm telling you now. If you so much as try put me in a pair of heels, I will never give you a ride to school again and you will have to take the bus."

An open mouth Kennedy replied, "You have got to be kidding me! You would not make me take the bus! Do you know how many STDs I could get from that thing?" Shrugging her shoulders Carter ignored her best friend's protests as she grabbed her Aviator sunglasses from her nightstand and made her way down the stairs, out the front door towards her 1975 Ford Mustang, with Kennedy in tow. While Kennedy was babbling about having to take the bus if she put Carter in heels, which she would look amazing in according to Kennedy, Carter saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Whipping her head around to face her neighbor's house she saw a curtain in a second story window quickly close. "Did you see that?"

"See what?" Kennedy asked looking in the same direction.

"That curtain in the bedroom upstairs of that house just closed. Like someone was watching us."

"Puh-lease. Carter you do realize that house has been on the market since the stone-age. It must've been the wind or something," Kennedy stated getting in the passenger seat of the Mustang.

"Yeah. It must've been the wind or something." Closing the door to her car, Carter stared at the house for a few more seconds before bringing the car to life with a roar of the engine.

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