+I know everyone loves me

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↳  The morning sun shone brightly in my eyes as I groaned. I wanted to sink deeper into the bed as I felt the silk sheets and soft cotton pillows but in the midst of snuggling, a pair of fingers gently moved my hair, and before I could react, their ruffled hands grasped my cheeks. Despite their roughness, their hands were warm and soft.

*Knock, Knock*

As soon as the knock at the door was heard, they quickly took their hands off of me and walked to it. Clearing their throat, they said" Yes, who is it? "

Is that the Nozel Silva voice?! I nearly squealed. I swiftly cracked one of my eyes open to see him standing in front of the door, his long royal blue robe flowing with him as his long silver-white hair followed it.

"It's Yami! We're here to see Y/n!"

" Yo- '' Before Nozel could finish his sentence, Yami bussed through the door with everyone following right behind him. I quickly snapped my eyes back shut and tried to play off as if I was asleep.

"Hey, thanks for watching over her when we were on the missions. I really appreciate it," Dad said. It was quiet for a minute as Nozel watch everyone but then quickly respond with " Just know, you own me," before walking out of the room.

Dad scoffed as he puffs out a cloud of smoke "I swear sometimes I want to-"

"Why don't you stop their captain" Finral interrupted as he nervously started up at him. He, of course, rolled his eyes and blew smoke in his face, in a joking way. I hope it was in a joking way.

I felt Alaric take his place next to me on the bed as everyone got situated. I didn't dare say a word or move. Why do you ask? If I don't, I won't have to go on missions and train. I just need a few more days of peace and quiet so I can-

"You know I can hear you right," Alaric said. Well, he actually thought it. I totally forgot that since we are bonded together, we are somewhat attached. So, we can read and communicate by just thinking. "Shit..."

"Damn, right! It has been extremely stressful for everyone worrying about whether you were okay or not, but it seems to me you're just fine! What the hell y/n!" He growled. My heart skipped a beat because even though I was his master, he was still a 6-foot-tall tiger that could rip off my head in a few seconds, and lucky for him I want to live, not die.

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙝 𝘾𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now